ing one-half by Talbot County, and to be levied at their regular
annual levy.
5. That the cost of maintaining the said bridge and keep-
ing it in safe repair and condition for public travel shall be
paid in the same ratio as in the preceding section, viz: one-
half by Caroline County, and one-half by Talbot County, and
the County Commissioners of aforesaid counties are hereby
authorized and empowered to levy upon the assessable property
of their respective counties such sums of money as may be
necessary, from time to time, to defray said costs in the pro-
portions aforesaid.
6. That the County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot
Counties, a majority of each board concurring, shall annually,
in the month of April appoint some competent person to act
as bridge-keeper whose duty it shall be to attend to the opening
and closing of the draw of said bridge when so required, and
also to attend to such other duties in regard to keeping said
bridge in safe and proper condition for public travel, and the
said bridge-keeper shall receive for his services such compen-
sation as the said County Commissioners of Caroline and Tal-
bot Counties shall deem just and proper, to be provided for in
their annual levy; one-half of said salary to be paid by Caro-
line Countv, and the remaining one-half bv Talbot Countv.
«-' J \~. t, «/
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on January 1, 1923.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to authorize the creation of a State debt in the aggre-
gate amount of one million, seven hundred and fifty thou-
sand ($1,750,000) dollars, the proceeds thereof to be used for
certain necessary construction, equipment and completion of
State property, and providing generally for the issue and
sale of certificates of indebtedness evidencing such loan.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Board of Public Works is hereby authorized
and directed to issue a State loan, to be known as the "General
Construction Loan of 1922," in the aggregate sum of one mil-
lion seven hundred and fifty thousand ($1,750,000) dollars;