nior, Benjamin Willmot, James Turner, James Roper, John Vickers, James Barnes, James Cowan,
Thomas Ozment, John R. Bromwell, and John Simmonds, of Talbot county; Bennett H. Clarvoe,
Munucan Walker, Tubman Pollit, John Miller alias John Hogskin, and Nathan Newton, of Somer-
set county; James Byas and Joseph G. Baffin, of Dorchester county; Philip Welsh, William Phil-
lips, James Wilson, David Stevenson and Robert Williams, of Caecil county; Richard G. Hardesty,
of Prince-George's county; Sele Tucker, Thomas Folks, Richard White and Gottleb J. Grammer,
of the city of Annapolis; Henry Downes, junior, Moses Legg, William K.erney and William P.
Ridgaway, of Queens-Anne's county; Benjamin Burrows, William Stevenson, George Houston,
Ezekiel Wise and Isaac Houstone, of Worcester county; John Huston, Benjamin Duvall, Benjamin
Ogle, John Dirizbaugh and John Neill, of Frederick county ;. John B. Onion, Abraham jarrett,
doctor John Smith, Jeremiah Rogers, Robert Morgan, John McComas, Joshua G. Barclay, Winston
Smith and William Barclay, of Hafford county; Jane Green, of Caroline county; Jacob Foubie,
Joseph Kidder, Fordom Pease, John Forbes, Joel M. Munson, Henry Sleenhuis, Samuel Godwin,
John H. Behn, James Williamson, William Stewart, Charles Davis, Francis W. Bolgiano, James
Oswald Bowman, John Edwards, Benjamin Vaughan, Thomas Cantweli, Benjamin Button, Thomas
Meeteer, Anthony Lamerlere, Alexander Fulton and James Fulton, George Andrean, John Clark,
Francis Johonnet and Bernard H. Cook, William Lowry, James Jaffray, William Harris, Enoch
Churchman, Benjamin D. Galpin, John G. Luttig, James Chalmers, Samuel Walker, Thomas Lamb-
den, James Lerue, Michael Baroux, Walter S. Hunt, Joseph Wood, Jacob Milliron, Gilbert Middle-
ton and Jonathan Edwards, Henry Brown, Alexander Coulter, Daniel Connor, Adam Aldberger, ,
James Morgan, Andrew Jacob Von Hemessen, John Gill, Charles Rogers, John Hobby, Hamilton
Graham, James McEvoy, James G. Neilson, William P. Mathews, Thomas Grain, John Ligget,
David Watson, Joseph Roach, Joseph Myers, Robert Miller, Frederick Travers, James W. Sloan,
George Buchanan, John B. Sayre, Benjamin Thomas, Henry Child and Howell Price, Thomas Cave,
Daniel Ruff, Thomas Harrison, John Harper, Robert Nesbit, Robert Cooke, Walter Wilson and
John R. Caldwell, of the city of Baltimore; Thomas Ringgold, of Washington county; Zachariah
Maccubbin, John Dells, Nicholas Pagno, Washington Drane, Thomas Nicholls of John, Samuel S.
Harwood, John Hobbs, Samuel Clements, Taulbott Allnut and John Beaden, of Montgomery county;
Benjamin Duvall and Ninian Cochran, of Allegany county; by their petitions to this general assem-
bly, have set forth, that by reason of many misfortunes they are unable wholly to pay their debts,
and have prayed that they may be discharged therefrom, upon their delivering up all their property
for the use of their creditors; and the prayer of the said petitioners being found reasonable, therefore,
Court, on ap-
plication, to di-
rect notice, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That on application of either of the
said debtors to the county court of the county in which they severally reside, by petition in writing,
offering to deliver to the use of his creditors all his property, real, personal or mixed, (the neces-
sary wearing apparel and bedding of himself and his family excepted,) to which he is in any way
entitled, a schedule whereof, (on oath or affirmation, as the case may require,) together with a list
of the creditors of the person so applying, on oath or affirmation, as far as he can ascertain them,
shall be annexed to or accompany such petition, the county court shall direct personal notice of such
application to be given to the creditors, or to as many of them as can be served therewith, or their
agent or attornies, or direct notice of such application to be advertised in the most public places of
the county where the said debtor resides, or to be inserted in some news-paper for such time as
they may think proper, and on the appearance of the said creditor, or neglect to appear on notice,
at the time or times and place appointed, the county court shall administer to the petitioning debtor
the following oath or affirmation, as the case may require : " I, A. B. do swear, or solemnly, sin-
" cercly and truly declare and affirm, that I will deliver up, convey and transfer, to my creditors,
" in such manner as the county court shall direct, all my property that I have, or claim'any title to
" or interest in, and all debts, rights and claims, which I have, or am any way entitled to, in pos-
" session, remainder or reversion, (the necessary wearing apparel and bedding of myself and fami-
" ly excepted,) and that I have not, directly or indirectly, at any time, sold, conveyed, lessened or
" disposed of, for the use or benefit of any person or persons, or intrusted, any part of monies
" or other property, debts, rights or claims, thereby to defraud my creditors, or any of them, or to
" secure the same to receive or expect any profits, benefits or advantages, thereby;" and the county
court shall thereupon name such person as a majority of the creditors in value, their agents or at-
tornies, shall recommend, to be trustee for the benefit of the creditors of the petitioning; debtor, or
in case of the non-attendance of the creditors, or of their not making a recommendation, the coun-
ty court shall name such person as they shall think proper, to be trustee as aforesaid.
None; to be en-
tided but citi-
zens, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no person herein before mentioned shall be entitled to the bene-
fit of this act, unless the county court shall be satisfied, by competent testimony, that he has resided
the two preceding years within the state of Maryland prior to the passage of this act, and unless, at