An ACT to make permanent, and to continue, the ads of assembly
therein mentioned.
Passed Janua-
ry 20, 1805.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled, An act establishing a
mode to perpetuate testimony, passed at July session, seventeen hundred and seventy-nine,
shall be and is hereby enacted into a permanent law; that an act, entitled, An act for enlarging the
power of the high court of chancery, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-
five, together with the several supplementary acts thereto, shall be and they are severally hereby
enacted into a permanent law; that the fifth section of an act, entitled, An act for establishing and
securing the salary of the chancellor, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-
two, chapter seventy-six, shall be and is hereby enacted into a permanent law; that an act, entitled,
An act for the destruction of wolves in Frederick county, passed at November session, seventeen
hundred and ninety-eight, shall be and is hereby continued until the thirtieth day of October, eigh-
teen hundred and five, and to the end oi the next session of assembly which shall happen thereaf-
ter; that an act, entitled, An act relating to the public roads in the several counties therein men-
tioned, passed at November session, eighteen hundred and one, shall be and is hereby continued
until the thirtieth day of October, eighteen hundred and five, and to the end of the next session of
assembly which shall happen thereafter; that an act, entitled, An act for the improvement of the
public roads in Kent county, passed at November session, eighteen hundred, shall be and is hereby
continued until the thirtieth day of October, eighteen hundred and five, and to the end of the next
session of assembly which shall happen thereafter; provided nevertheless, that the several acts and
supplements thereto herein mentioned, shall be and are hereby declared subject to any alterations
which have been made therein since the passage of the said laws or supplements.
Acts made per-
manent, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every act of assembly, besides those mentioned in this
act, which would expire during the present session of assembly, or before the end of the next gene-
ral assembly, shall be and the same are continued until the end of the next session of the general
assembly, subject to any alterations which have been made therein,
Acts continued
An ACT to extend the powers of the trustees of the poor of Mont-
gomery county.
Passed Janua-
ry 20, 1805.
WHEREAS Andrew With, of Montgomery county , by his petition to this general assembly
hath set forth, that he is now upwards of eighty years of age, and very poor, and that by
reason of many bodily infirmities he is rendered unable to obtain a livelihood by labour, and praying
to be supported out of the poor-house of said county, and the prayer of the said petitioner appear-
ing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the
trustees of the poor of Montgomery county, if they shall be of opinion that the peculiar circum-
stances of the said Andrew With are such as to render a situation in the poor-house particularly un-
suitable for him, to support him as an out- pensioner, in addition to the number now allowed by the
sct, entitled, An act to enlarge the powers of the trustees of the poor in the several counties there-
in designated., and to allow to the said Andrew With an annual pension, not exceeding thirty dol-
lars, to be paid at such time as the said trustees shall direct, the amount of which said pension shall
be levied in the same manner as the other expences of the poor house in the said county.
A. With may
be supported,
An ACT for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors,
WHEREAS Elizabeth Keech Cartwriht and James Chapplear, of Saint-Mary's county; James
Cruikshank, Jacob Falconar, William Smith and Anne Dorsey, of Kent county; David
Hopkins, Thomas King, Joshua Marriott, junior, John Rainer, Joseph Marriott, junior, Horatio
Johnson, Singgleton Warfield and William Welling, junior, of Anne- Arundei county; Henry Ha-
gan, John F. Beall, Philip T. Briscoe, Jonathan S. Hardesty, Levy Butler and James Doyle, of
Charles county; John Lowry, John Brown, Thomas Kerr, Charles Boker, William Beatty, Isaac
Smith, Benjamin Rhodes, Alexander Davidson, James May dwell, of Alexander, Daniel Sitler, Wil-
liam Williams, Peter Houzelot, Peter Stewart, Joseph Perrigoy, John Haslam, Josias Slade Bull,
Francis Loudenslager, Benjamin Arnold, Casper Copke, Christopher Randall, Elisha Stansbury
Ralph McCreery, John Bell, Thomas Vaughan, Francis Mottee, Thomas Brown, Washington John.
son George Maxwell. Sherdin Vaughn and James Irvin, of Baltimore county; William Stevens, ju-
Passed Janua-
ry 20, 1 805,