Hughes, Mark Pringle and John Stump, (of Harford,) or any three of them, shall receive such
transfer or transfers, of the net proceeds of such lottery or lotteries, they shall give bond, in the
penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars, which said bond shall be lodged in the office of Balti-
more county court, to be there recorded and safely kept, and which bond shall be conditioned to be
void if the said obligors shall faithfully apply the said money towards opening a channel in the said
river Susquehanna as aforesaid, and to such further improvements as are directed herein
Parts of an act
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That such parts of an act passed at November session, seventeen
hundred and ninety-five, entitled, An act for making an addition to the town of Havre-de-Grace,
and to improve the navigation of the river Susquehanna, and for other purposes, as relate to the,
granting of a lottery, be and the same are hereby repealed.
V. AND, whereas it is highly important to the state of Pennsylvania that the obstructions in the
river Susquehanna as aforesaid be removed, and it may be presumed that the legislature of the said
S. Smith, &c.
to co-operate,
state of Pennsylvania will, in their wisdom, adopt a policy conducive to the removal of such ob-
structions, to which contingency this legislature wishes to provide a co-operation; therefore, BE IT
ENACTED, That if the said state of Pennsylvania, within the present year, by lottery or lotteries,
appropriation or otherwise, raise a sum of money not less than fifty thousand dollars, or in five an-
nual proportions of not less than ten thousand dollars each year, to be applied to the clearing of a
channel between the town of Columbia and the Maryland line as aforesaid, and to the making of a
eanal or canals for boats where the river shall be found too rapid to pass in safety, or too difficult to
ascend with ease, the said general Samuel Smith, Gabriel Christie, Robert Gilmore, John Adlum,
Samuel Hughes, Mark Pringle and John Stump, (of Harford,) or any three of them, are hereby au-
thorised and empowered to act, co-operate and unite with, such person or persons as the state of
Pennsylvania shall appoint, to make an easy and safe channel, and such canal or canals as shall be
found necessary and practicable, and to adopt such mode and means for effecting the same as shall be
found most likely to attain the end in view; provided nevertheless, that before the said general Sa-
muel Smith, Gabriel Christie, Robert Gilmore, John Adlum, Samuel Hughes, Mark Pringle and,
John Stump, (of Harford,) or any three of them, shall make any pledge or disbursement of money,
towards any canal or canals, the state of Pennsylvania shall, by law, secure the said canal or canals
as a property in common to the said state of Pennsylvania and the state of Maryland, to be for ever
held and kept as a common highway, and for no other use; and that there shall be charged a toll for
passing the said canal or canals, equal to a cent per bushel for wheat, and a proportionate sum on
every other article, having relation to the value, bulk and weight, of such articles, to be hereafter
regulated by law, as shall be agreed upon by the said states of Pennsylvania and Maryland; and
provided also, that the said sta-te of Pennsylvania shall direct that the said tolls collected at the said
canal or canals as aforesaid shall, after defraying the necessary expences for repairs of the said ca-
nal or canals, for collecting the said tolls, and other contingencies, be for ever appropriated towards
further improvements on the said channel, between the town of Columbia and tide-water, and for
the improvement of such other parts of the river, above the town of Columbia, as shall be deemed
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, Art aft to incorporate companies
to make several turnpike roads through Baltimore county, and for
other purposes.
WHEREAS by an act, entitled, An act to incorporate companies to make several turnpike
roads through Baltimore county, and for other purposes, passed at the present session of as-
sembly, a company has been incorporated for the purpose of making a turnpike road from Baltimore
to Boonsborough,, in Washington county, under the style and name of The Baltimore and Frede-
rick-town Turnpike Company, and as it is deemed highly proper to extend the great and important
advantages resulting from turnpikes to the citizens of the western part of the state in general
Road may be
extended, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said company be authorised and
empowered to extend the said turnpike road from Boonsborough to Hagerstown, and from Boons-
borough to William's Port, under the same regulations and restrictions, and entitled to the same tolls
and immunities, and advantages, as they are-authorised t6 take and receive by the act to which this
is a supplement, provided a majority of the stockholders of said company shall agree to the extension
of said road within two years from their first meeting, and provided the said extension shall be com-
pleted in twelve years from the date hereof.