An ACT for the relief of Elizabeth Beall, of Montgomery county.
WHEREAS Elizabeth Beall, widow and relict of James Beall, of James, of Montgomery coun-
ty, by her petition to this general assembly hath set forth, that some years past commission-
ers were appointed by the levy court of said county to contract with workmen to build a bridge over
the waters of Rock creek, near the plantation of the said James Beall, of James; that the said commis-
sioners did contract with the said James Beall, of James, for the building of said bridge for the sum
of forty-two pounds, and the said James Beall, of James, did build the said bridge agreeable to con-
tract, and gave security to the said court to keep the same in repair for the space of ten years, and
that he received in part payment thereof the sum of four pounds ten shillings current money; and al-
so stating, that there is now due for the building of said bridge the sum of thirty-seven pounds ten
shillings current money; and praying that the amount thereof may be levied on said county; and
the prayer of the petitioner appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Montgomery
county be and they are hereby authorised and directed, at their next annual meeting for the purpose
of laying the county levy, to levy on the thirty-seven pounds ten shillings current money, and pray-
ing that the amoant thereof may be levied on said county; and the prayer of the petitioner appear-
ing reasonable, therefore,
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Montgomery
county be and they are hereby authorised and directed, at their next annual meeting for the purpose
of laying the county levy, to levy on the assessable property of said county the sum of thirty-seven
pounds ten shillings current money, together with the collector's commission thereon, to be collect-
ed as other county charges, and to be paid by the said collector to the said Elizabeth Beall, or her
Court to levy
money, &c.
An ACT to authorise a lottery or lotteries to raise a sum of money
for the improvement of the navigation of the river Susquehanna.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
WHEREAS the canal on the river Susquehanna within the state of Maryland is complete, and
a good practicable navigation on the bed of the river above the said canal to the town of Co-
lumbia is made, excepting a distance of about eight miles, which cannot be effected From the want
of tunnels : And whereas it would add greatly to the wealth and trade of the state of Maryland were
the said navigation between the said canal and the said town of Columbia made passable for boats,
by drawing to the bay of Chesapeake the various productions of the lands bordering on the waters
of the river Susquehunna; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland^ That general Samuel Smith, Gabriel
Christie, Robert Gilmore, John Adium, Samuel Hughes, Mark Pringle and John Stump, (of Harford,)
or a majority of them, be and they are hereby appointed managers, and are hereby authorised to pro-
pose, and carry into effect, a lottery or lotteries for the purpose of raising a sum of money, not ex-
ceeding fifty thousand dollars; and the same may be drawn at any one time, or at different times, as
the said managers may deem expedient; provided, that before a sale shall be made of any tickets in
virtue of this authority, the said managers who shall act in virtue of this law, shall give bond to the
state, in the penalty of one hundred thousand dollars, for the faithful execution of the said trust,
and for the payment of the net proceeds, after payment of prizes and the expences of the said lot-
tery or lotteries, into one of the banks established in the city of Baltimore; and the bond which
shall be given by the said managers shall be lodged in Baltimore county court, and there be record-
ed, and upon such bond, or an office copy thereof, suit or suits may be entered against the obligors
therein, or any of them, or their or any of their legal representatives, for any breach of, or non-
compliance with, the condition of the same.
Managers ap-
pointed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the net proceeds of the said lottery or lotteries, so to be depo-
sited in one of the banks established in the city of Baltimore, shall, within three months after the
drawing of the said lottery or lotteries, be transferred into the hands of general Samuel Smith, Ga-
briel Christie, Robert Giimore, John Adlum, Samuel Hughes, Mark Pringle and John Stump, (of
Harford,) or any three of them, to be by them appropriated and laid out in making a safe and easy
channel down the river Susquehanna, from the town of Columbia to the Maryland canal, and after-
wards in improving the bed of said river from the head of said canal to tide water; provided, that
before the said general Samuel Smith, Gabriel Christie, Robert Giimore, John Adlum, Sumuel
Proceeds to be
deposited, &c