An ACT to lay out, open and clear, a road in Harford county, from
a place known by the name of Darlington to intersect: the road
leading from Belle-Air to Havre-de-Grace.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805,
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Harford county, by their petition to this general assembly
have prayed, that a public road may be laid out, opened and cleared, from a place called
Clarke's Store, generally known by the name of Darlington, on the Rock Run roact, thence by Aus-
tin's mill to intersect the main road leading from Belle-Air to Havre-de-Grace, near a place called
Stump's Old Fields, and that the same will be a great public convenience; and the prayer of said
petition being considered reasonable, therefore,
II. B.E IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly, of Maryland, That John Cooley, Thomas Jeffrey and
John Quads, of Harford county, or a major icy of them, be and they are hereby appointed commis-
sioners to survey, lay out and open, a road in said county, from a place called Clarke's Store, and
generally known by the name of Darlington, on the Rock Run roact, and thence by John Austin's
raill to intersect the main road leading from Belle-Air to Havre-de-Grace, at or near a place called
Stump's Old Fields, and in as streight a direction as the nature of the ground will admit, and with
as little injury to the individuals over whose lands the same may pass, as may comport with the pub-
lic convenience; and provided, that the said road shall not be laid out through the garden, yard,
meadow or orchard, of any individual, without his or her consent in writing first had and obtained ;
and a plot of said roact, when surveyed and laid out, together with a certificate of the courses of
the same, shall be returned by the commissioners aforesaid to the levy court, who are hereby autho-
rised and empowered to confirm, or for sufficient cause reject, the same, and in case the same shall
be rejected as aforesaid, the said court are hereby further authorised to direct the said commissioners
herein named again to survey and lay out said road as aforesaid, and return a plot thereof, with a
certificate of the courses as aforesaid, and so from time to time till a plot shall be returned which
shall be confirmed by said court, with the certificate of the courses of said roact, shall be recorded
among the records and proceedings of said court.
appointed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the plot of said road shall have been confirmed and re-
corded as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the levy court of said county to levy upon the
assessable property in said county a sum of money, such as they shall deem necessary under all cir-
cumstances, and to appoint an overseer or overseers to open and clear said roact, agreeably to the
plot and certificate aforesaid, who shall give bond in like manner as other overseers of public roads
are directed to give bond, and shall have the same allowance; and the said roact, when opened and
cleared as aforesaid, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, thereafter a public roact, and
shall be kept in repair as other public roads in said county.
Court to levy
money, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners respectively herein before named shall be en-
titled to receive two dollars for every day they shall severally attend to discharge the duties required
by this act, which is hereby directed to be levied, collected and paid, as other county charges are
levied, collected and paid.
An ACT to authorise the levy court of Baltimore county to keep in
repair the road leading; into Pratt-street, in the city of Baltimore
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805,
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Baltimore county be
and they are hereby authorised, should it appear to them necessary, to have the same repaired
as-soon after the passage of this act as it c;an conveniently be done.
Road to be re-
paired &c
An ACT relating to vagrants in the city of Baltimore.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for either of
the justices of the criminal court of Baltimore county to issue a warrant, directed to any con-
stable of Baltimore county, against any person or persons, on information founded upon the oath of
any competent witness, that such person or persons in the said affidavit named is a vagrant, vaga-
bond, disorderly person or common prostitute, commanding said constable to bring the person or
persons in said warrant mentioned before any justice of said court, and upon the appearance of said
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
justice may is
sue his war-
rant, &c,