C H A P.
and title thereunto, by the testimony of one witness, before any magistrate, he shall have restitu-
tion of the same, or the value thereof, allowing and paying twenty-five cents for entering the war-
rant and certificate as aforesaid, together with such necessary charges as shall have arisen in keeping,
notifying, appraising, and necessary travel respecting the business, to be liquidated and adjusted by
some justice of the levy court, or justice of the peace, of the same county, in case of disagreement
between the owner and finder; and if no owner appear within one year as aforesaid, then such strays
shall be. and remain to the finder, he being still answerable to the owner for the valuation as before
affixed, after deducting the charges as before allowed, if such beast be converted to the benefit of
said finder, either by selling or killing the same; provided however, the owner wake demand there-
of in three years from the end of the one year first mentioned.
cattle consider-
ed as strays,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all neat cattle wandering or coming from, and belonging to, an
inhabitant of any of the adjoining states, be and the same shall be considered as strays under this
act, when found on the lands, or within the enclosures, of any citizen of this state, and may be
proceeded against accordingly by the owner or occupier of such kind.
To extend to
Allegany only
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this aft .shall not extend to any county except Allegany, and shall
have no operation out of said county.
ment, &c.
VI. This act to commence on the first day of September next, and to be in force for two years,
and until the end of the next session of assembly that shall happen next thereafter.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805,
An ACT to withdraw certain funds from the cities of Baltimore,
Annapolis, and the town of Eastoo, and placing the same in the
respective treasuries, subject to the appropriation of the legisla-
Section repeal-
ed, &c.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the seventeenth section of the act, en-
titled, An act for the establishment and regulation of a night watch, and the erection of lamps,
in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and eigh-
ty-four, be and the same is hereby repealed, and the surplus of the monies collected from Baltimore-
town for ordinary and retailers licences, in virtue of said section, shall hereafter be placed in the
treasury of the western shore, subject to the appropriation of the legislature.
Part of an act
repealed, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the third section, and so much of the fourth section, of the act,
entitled, An act to enable the corporation of the city of Annapolis to lay a tax on property within
the said city and precincts, to regulate and licence ordinaries, and retailers of spirituous liquors,
within the said city, and the precincts thereof, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and
eighty-four, as provides that the money arising from fines, for licences to ordinary-keepers, and other
retailers of spirituous liquors, in virtue of said act, shall be appropriated and applied by the corpo-
ration of the said city to defray the ordinary and usual expences thereof, and the amending and
keeping in repair the streets of the said city, and the clearing out the dock, and the build-
ing a market-house, and to such other uses as the said corporation may judge most for the benefit
and advantage of the city, be and the same are hereby repealed, and the said monies arising as afore-
said, is hereby directed hereafter to be paid into the treasury of the western shore, and the same,
when so paid in, shall be subject to the future appropriation of the legislature; and the county court of
Anne-Arundel county shall be and they are hereby empowered, hereafter to grant licences to
ordinary-keepers and retailers of spirituous liquors within the city, and precincts of the city of
Annapolis, or by an associate justice during the recess of the said court, any law to the contrary
section repeal-
ed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the thirty-first section of an act, entitled, An act to provide
for the appointment of commissioners for the regulation and improvement of Easton, in Talbot
county, and to establish and regulate a market at said town, passed at November session, seven-
teen hundred and ninety, be and the same is hereby repealed, and the money which shall be paid to
the sheriff of Talbot county by any person or persons for licences hereafter granted to retail spiri-
tuous liquors within the limits of said town, shall be hereafter paid by the said sheriff to the trea-
surer of the eastern shore, to remain in the treasury of said shore, subject to the appropriation of
the legislature,