cers as may be deemed necessary, and the said stockholders shall meet at such other times as they
shall be summoned, in such manner and form as shall be prescribed by their by-laws, rules, orders
and regulations, made as aforesaid, and to do and perform any other corporate act as herein au-
C H A P.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president and managers, chosen as aforesaid, shall procure
certificates for all the shares of the stock of said company, and shall deliver over such certificate,
signed by the president, and countersigned by the treasurer, and sealed with the common seal of
the said company, to each person or persons for every share by him or them subscribed and
held, he, she or they, having paid to the commissioners aforesaid five dollars for each share as afore-
said, which certificate shall be transferable at his pleasure, in person, or by attorney duly autho-
rised, in the presence of the president or treasurer, subject however to all payments due, and to
become due thereon, and the assignee holding any certificate, having first caused the assignment to
be entered in a book of the company to be kept for that purpose, shall be a member of the corpora-
tion, and for every certificate assigned to him as aforesaid, shall be entitled to one share of the ca-
pital stock, and of all the estate and emolument of the company, and to vote as aforesaid at the
meetings thereof.
Certificates to
be procured,
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said president and managers shall meet at such times and
places as shall be ordained by the by-laws of the company, and when met, four members, with or
without the president, shall form a quorum, who, in the absence of the president, may choose a chair-
man, and shall keep minutes of all their transactions, fairly entered in a book, and a quorum being
formed, they shall have full power and authority to appoint all such surveyors, engineers, superin-
tendents and other officers, as they shall deem necessary to carry on their intended works, and to fix
their salaries and wages, and to draw on the bank for all monies as shall have been so as aforesaid
deposited by the commissioners aforesaid, which draught or draughts shall be signed by the said
president, or in his absence, by a majority of a quorum, and countersigned by their treasurer, and
generally to do all such other acts, matters and things, as by this act, and by the by-laws, rules, or-
ders and regulations, of the company, they shall be authorised to do.
President, Sec.
to meet, &c.
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if, after notice as aforesaid in the public papers of the city of Bal-
timore, of the time and place appointed for the payment of any proportion of the capital stock of the
said company, any stockholder shall neglect to pay such proportion at the time and place appointed,
for the space of thirty days after the time appointed, every such stockholder, or his assignee, shall,
in addition to the payment so called for, pay at the rate of five per cent, per month for delay of such
payment; and if the same, and the said additional penalty, shall remain unpaid for such space of
time as that the accumulated penalties shall become equal to the sums before paid in part on ac-
count of such share or shares, the same shall be forfeited to the said company, and may and shall
be sold and assigned by the president and managers of the said company to aay person willing to pur-
chase the same, for such price as can be obtained for the same, and the purchaser or purchasers
aforesaid shall have all the benefit and advantage of such assignment and purchase as if they had
been original stockholders.
Penalty on ne-
gleaing to pay,
X. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all cases where stone, gravel, earth or sand, not already
quarried or dug for the use. of the owner, or for sale, shall be necessary for repairing the said
turnpike roact, the president and managers of the company, or a majority of them, or any person
authorised by them, may agree with the owner or owners of sajd materials for the purchase of the
same, or with the said owner or owners of the land on which the same may be, for the purchase of
said land, and in case of disagreement, or in case the owner should, be a feme-covert, under age, or
rion compos, or out of the state or county, the president of the company, or any person authorised by
him for that purpose, shall apply to a justice of the peace for Baltimore county, which justice shall
thereupon issue his warrant, directed to the sheriff of the county, commanding him to summon
twelve disinterested persons, qualified to serve as jurors in the county court, to meet at the place
where the said materials may be, and the said sheriff shall qualify the said persons, either by oath
pr affirmation, (as the case may be,) justly, truly and impartially, to value the damage which may be
sustained by the owner or owners of the materials required by such company; and the said persons
shall, after valuing the damage which may be sustained by the owner or owners of such materials
return, under their hands and seals, to the justice who issued the warrant, one copy of their said va-
luation, one other copy to the president of the company, and one other copy to the owner or owners
of the said materials if such owner shall reside in the county, and shall not be under any legal dis-
ability to receive the money adjudged and give sufficient discharges therefor, and the president and
managers shall pay, or secure to be paid, the damages so adjudged before they shall proceed to re-
President, &c.
may agree, &c.
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