C H A P.
on or before the first Monday in March next, procure a book, and in it enter as follows, to wit
"We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do promise to pay to the president, managers and com-
pany, of the Falls Turnpike, the sum of one hundred dollars for every share of stock in the said
company set opposite to our names, agreeably to an act of the general assembly of the state of Ma-
ryland, entitled, An act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road to lead tram the cross
roads near Richard Caton's limekiln, in Baltimore county, nearly in the direction, of Jones's Fails,
to the city of Baltimore. Witness our hands, this —— day of —— , eighteen hundred and —— ;"
and shall give notice in the several news-papers of the city of Baltimore, for at least one month, of
the time when, and the place where, the said book will be open to receive subscriptions for the stock
of the said company, at which time and puce three at least of the said persons named as managers
to receive subscriptions shall attend, and shall permit all persons to subscribe in the said book, in
person or by attorney duly authorised; and the said book shall be kept open four hours in each day
for three days, if necessary; provided nevertheless, that the said commissioners shall not permit
any one person or company to subscribe for more than three shares during the first day on which the
said books shall be opened, nor more than six shares on the second day on which the said books shall
be opened, and if at the expiration of said three first days the whole number of shares shall not be
subscribed, the said commissioners may adjourn from time to time until the number shall be sub-
scribed, of which public notice shall be given in the several news papers published in the city of
Baltimore; and every person subscribing for the stock of the said company shall, on subscribing,
pay to the attending commissioners five dollars for every share so subscribed, out of which shall be
deducted the expeuce attending the taking of such subscriptions, and all other incidental charges,
and the residue shall be deposited in one of the banks of Baltimore, for the use of the said company,
which the president and managers thereof may draw out when the said company shall be organized.
When certain
shares are sub-
scribed, notice
to be given,
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when one hundred shares of the said stock shall be subscribed
for, the before-mentioned managers shall, as soon as conveniently maybe, give twenty days notice
in the several news-papers of the city of Baltimore of the time and place by them appointed for the
subscribers to meet, in order to organize the said corporation, and to choose out of the company,
by a majority of votes of the said subscribers, by ballot, to be delivered in person, or by proxy
duly authorised, a president, six managers, one treasurer, and such other officers as shall be deemed ne-
cessary to conduct the business of the said company, until the first Tuesday in October next, and until
like officers shall be hereafter chosen, and make such by-laws, rules, orders and regulations, as do
not contravene the constitution or the laws of this state, and may be necessary for the well govern-
ing the affairs of the said company; provided always, that no person shall have more than ten
Votes in any election, or in determining any question arising at such meeting, whatever number of
shares he, she or they may be entitled to, and that each person be entitled to one vote for each
share so held under the said number of ten.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the stockholders in the said company shall be and they are here-
by incorporated and constituted a body politic, by the name of The President, Managers and Com-
pany, of the Falls. Turnpike Roact, and by the same name the said subscribers, and their succes-
sors, shall bave succession during the continuance of this incorporation, and shall have all the pri-
vileges and franchises of, or incident to, a corporation, and shall be capable of taking and holding
the said capital stock, and the increase and profits thereof, and of enlarging the same from time to
time by new subscriptions an the original terms, and in such manner and form as they shall think pro-
per, if such enlargement shall be found necessary to fulfil the intent of this acl, and purchasing and,
taking to them, and their successors, in fee-simple, and for any lesser estate, all such lands, tene-
ments, hereditaments and estate, real and personal, as shall be necessary to them in the prosecution
of their works, provided the said real estate shall not exceed fifty acres, and of suing and being:
sued, answering and being answered, to make a seal, and alter, break. and renew the same, accord-
ing to their will and pleasure.
Sums sub-
scribed to be
paid, &c
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sums so subscribed shall be paid to the managers elected
agreeably to this act, in the following manner, to wit: One fourth part thereof, (including the five
dollars paid to the commissioners at the time of subscribing,) at the end of one month after the elec-
tion of managers, and the remainder in such sums, and at such times, as the managers may appoint,
they giving two months notice of the payments so required in each of the papers published in the
city of Baltimore.
Stockholders to
meet, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the stockholders in the said company shall meet in the city of
Baltimore on the first Tuesday in October next, and on the first Tuesday in October in each succeed,
ing year, for the purpose of choosing a president, six managers and a treasurer, and such other offi-