poses, as if the said bond had been taken on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and
C H A P.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to extend the powers of
the levy court of Allegany county relative to roads in said county.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of Alle-
gany county be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to order and direct the super-
visor or supervisors of the public roads in Allegany county to improve, and keep in good repair, the
whole or any part of any public road or roads in said county, and to apportion the money and labour
to the said road or roads, or parts thereof, as the case may be, and when such order shall be made,
the road or roads, or parts thereof, shall be kept in repair agreeably to the provisions of the act of
assembly in such case made and provided for Allegany county; provided nevertheless, that if any
person shall consider himself aggrieved by any such order of the justices of the levy court, it shall
and may be lawful for such person to appeal from any such order or determination of the justices
aforesaid to the justices of the county court, within twelve months thereafter, and the opinion of
the said county court shall be final and conclusive on the same.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805,
Justices to or-
der the super-
visors, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of Allegany county be and they are hereby au-
thorised and empowered to levy a sum of money, not exceeding two hundred dollars, for the pur-
pose of digging a well, and that they contract with some person or persons for the digging, cotn-
pleting and finishing the same, making choice of such spot on the public grounds adjacent to the
court-house as in their judgment will be most suitable and proper.
Court to levy
money, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act, and the original act to which this is a supplement, shall
be in force until the thirtieth day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven,
and to the end of the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter.
An ACT to erect a town in Talbot county, by the name of Saint-
Michael's, and to appoint commissioners.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
WHEREAS it hath been set forth by the petition of sundry inhabitants of Talbot county, that
the village now known by the name of Saint-Michael's, in the said county, has considerably
increased in the number of houses and inhabitants, and have prayed that the said village may be
erected into a town, according to. the ancient metes and bounds thereof, and of the land adjoining
thereto, as laid down in a plot annexed to said petition; and the prayer of the petitioners appearing
reasonable, therefore.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Robert Dodson, John Dourgan,
James Bordley, Impev Dawson and Thomas L. Haddaway, be and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners, who, or a majority of them, shall and are authorised and directed to resurvey the grounds
and lots within the village of Saint-Michael's, in Talbot county, and to perpetuate the lines and
bounds thereof; that is to say, as well of those lands or grounds laid off by a certain James Brad-
dock, on or about the year seventeen hundred and seventy-eight, for the purposes of a town, by the
name of Saint-Michael's, as aforesaid, or those grounds or lots which were laid off or sold by a cer-
tain John Thompson, (heir and representative of the aforesaid Braddock,) on or about the year se-
venteen hundred and eighty-three, for the same purpose; and the said commissioners are hereby di-
rected to resurvey and establish, by stone boundaries, or such other as they shall consider good and
durable, all lots, squares, Streets, lanes, ways and alleys in the said town, agreeably to the old lo-
cation thereof, as, made at the time of the first laying off those grounds, or as nearly so as they can,
and to give to the said squares, streets, lattes, ways and alleys, such distinguishing names as they
may think proper; and the commissioners are hereby further authorised and directed to lay off into
lots, streets, ways, lanes and alleys, such other grounds or lands conceded for such purposes as shall
be contained within the limits herein after prescribed, and the same to number and name as afore-
appointed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bounds and limits of the said town shall be as follows, viz,
Beginning at a stone set down by the side of a cove of Saint-Michael's river, and running south,
sixty-six degrees fifteen minutes west, to a branch of Broad creek, then up and with the said Broad
Bounds ascer-
tained, &.c.