of a majority of them, to propose a scheme of a lottery for raising a sum of money, not exceeding
fifteen hundred dollars, and to sell and dispose of the tickets thereof; provided that the said Nathan
Cromwell, Abraham Cole, junior, Amon Butler, junior, Thomas Lemmon and John Cockey, or such
majority of them as shall undertake to act under this law, shall, before the sale or disposal of any
ticket or tickets in said lottery, give their bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of three
thousand dollars, conditioned that they will well and truly apply so much of the money arising
therefrom, within six months after the drawing of the said lottery shall commence, as will satisfy
the fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn by them, and after deducing the necessary expences in-
curred in said lottery, shall, within two years from the time the drawing of the said lottery shall
commence, cause the said house of public worship to be completed and finished in the best manner
the sum of money raised by said lottery will admit.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bond shall be lodged in the cterk's office of Baltimore
county, to be there recorded, and upon such bond, or an office copy thereof, suit or suits may be
instituted for any breach or non-compliance with the condition thereof,
Bond to be
lodged, &c.
An ACT to lay out and streighten a certain road in Baltimore county.
WHEREAS ic is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of
Baltimore county, that the convenience of the public would be greatly promoted by streight-
ening and amending the road now opened and used from the Liberty-town road to Thomas Gorsuch's
and Anthony Hook's mill, and from the said mill to the Deer Park road; therefore,
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1803.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Thomas Cockey, Beale Owings
and Nathan Manro, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out, streighten and
amend, the road now open from where it intersects the Liberty-town road at or near a tract of land
called Grey Hound Forest, and from thence to Thomas Gorsuch's and Anthony Hook's mill, and
from the said mill until it intersects the Deer Park road, of a width not exceeding thirty feet, in the
streightest and best direction that the nature of the ground will admit; and the road when so laid
out, straightened and amended, and the valuation herein after directed to be made shall have taken
place, shall be recorded by the cterk of Baltimore county, and shall for ever thereafter be deemed
and taken to be a public highway, and kept in repair as other public roads in said county.
appointed, &,c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall ascertain
and value what damages may be sustained by any person or persons through whose land the said road
shall pass, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages, if any, and the same, when
so assessed, shall be paid, or secured to be paid, by the person or persons who may apply to have
the said road laid out, straightened and amended as aforesaid, to the person or persons entitled to
receive the same, before he or they shall proceed to open the said road.
Damages to be
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or persons through whose lands the said road shall
pass, or his, her or their guardian or trustee, shall conceive himself, herself or themselves, ag-
grieved by such valuation and assessment of damages by the said commissioners respectively, it shall
and may be lawful for any justice of the peace, on his, her or their application, to issue his warrant,
under his hand and seal, directed to the sheriff of the county, commanding him to summon twelve
disinterested men, qualified by law to serve as jurors in the county court, to meet upon the premises
on a certain day, of which ten ctays notice at the least shall be given to the party or parties inte-
rested; and the said jurors, when so met, and having each first taken an oath before some justice of
the peace, that he will, without favour, affection, prejudice or partiality, assess the damages sus-
tained by the person or persons at whose request such inquisition shall be taken, by reason of open-
ing the aforesaid road through his, her or their land, shall thereupon proceed to assess and value
the damages accordingly, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages, if any, anct
such inquisition and valuation shall be final and conctusive between the parties respectively; pro-
vided that the said road shall not be opened through the buildings, gardens, yards or orchards, of
any person, without his or her consent.
Justice may is-
sue his war-
rant, &c.
An ACT for opening and establishing a road in Baltimore county
therein mentioned.
Passed 31st of
Dec, 1803,
WHEREAS it has been represented, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of Baltimore county,
that they are desirous of having a read opened and established by law from the Reister's-