ently sign the same; provided always, that no student or students within the said college shall ever
be admitted to any such degree or degrees, or have their name inserted in any mandate for a degree,
until such student or students have been first duly examined and thought worthy of the same, at a
public examination of candidates, to be Held one whole month previous to the day of commencement'
in the said college, by and in the presence of the said trustees, or of such number of them, not less
than five, as the ordinances of the college may authorise for that purpose, and in the presence of
any other persons choosing to attend the same; and provided further, that no person or persons,
excepting the students belonging to the said seminary, shall ever be admitted to any honorary or
other degree or degrees of the same, unless nineteen trustees, the principal of the college being pre-
sent, by a mandate under the privy seal, and signed by the hands of the said nineteen trustees, to
the principal, vice-principal and professors directed, have signified their approbation and authority
for the particular admission of said persons to said degree or degrees.
Principal to be
a trustee, &c.
XIV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the principal for the time being shall be considered, ex officio
a trustee, and is hereby vested with all the rights thereto appertaining.
Private acade-
my constituted,
XV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and after the passing of this act, and until such time as
funds can be raised, and suitable buildings creeled, for the contemplated seminary, the private aca-
demy which ha.s for some years past been conducted by James Priestley in the city of Baltimore,
with distinguished reputation, and greatly to the advantage of the community, shall be constituted
into the institution intended by this act, and the same is hereby so constituted, and the said James
Priestley continued the principal thereof, also that the teachers at present employed therein may.be
continued, unless the board of trustees shall, in their discretion, otherwise order; and the said in-
stitution, by the name and title oi Baltimore College, shall immediately have, and is hereby invested
with, full power to confer, on its deserving pupils, collegiate honours, and the degrees of bachelor
and master of arts, and of doctor, and have all the privileges and rights, and be subject to all the
provisions, of this act,
Charter to be
good, &,c.
XVI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this charter and a6t of incorporation, and every part thereof,
shall be good and available in all things in the law, according to the true intent and meaning there-
of, and shall be construed, reputed and adjudged, in all cases, most favourably on the behalf, and
for the best benefit and behoof, of the said trustees, and their successors, so as most effectually to
answer the valuable end of this incorporation towards the general advancement and promotion of
useful knowledge, science and virtue.
Passed 7th of
January, 1804.
No E O table,
&c. to be set
up, &c.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to prevent excessive gaming.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
no E O, ABC, LSD, X Y Z, faro table, or any other device whatever, except billiard ta-
bles, for the purpose of gaming for money, or any other thing, shall be set up, kept or maintained,
in any house, or at any place whatever, on pain of forfeiting every such E O, ABC, LSD,
X Y Z, faro table and other device, and of forfeiting moreover, for every offence, the sum of two
hundred dollars, upon conviction thereof, by indictment or confession in the county court of the
county wherein the offence shall be committed.
Justice may
prevent play
ing, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and maybe lawful, and it is hereby declared to be the
duty of any associate justice, or justice of the peace of this state, upon complaint made, informa-
tion given, or on his own view, to suppress and prevent the playing, at any of the above-mention-
ed tables, or any such other device for gaming, and, if resistance shall be made to his authority, it
shall and may be lawful for the said associate justice, or justice of the peace, to commit the person
or persons so offending in the premises to the custody of the sheriff, or any constable of the county,
who may, if necessary, summon a posse comitatus to his assistance, to enforce the execution of this
And issue his
warrant, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall also be the duty of any associate justice or justice of the
peace of this state, on complaint made, information given, or on his own view, of any person of-
fending as aforesaid, to issue his warrant to the sheriff, deputy sheriff, or any constable of the coun-
ty, commanding him immediately to take the body of the person so offending, and to have the said
offender brought before the said associate justice or justice of the peace, or any other associate jus-
tice or justice of the peace for the county in which the said offence shall be committed, which said
justice shall cause the person so offending to enter into a recognizance, in the penalty of four him-
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