whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice, but
no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice-presi-
dent of the United States:
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland^ That the aforesaid amendment be and it
is hereby confirmed and ratified.
An ACT to streighten part of the road in Harford county which
leads from Underhill's mill to the city of Baltimore.
Passed 7th of
January, 1804,
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants oF
Harford county, that the road leading from Underbill's mill to the city of Baltimore, as it
now runs, is circuitous and inconvenient, and that the same may be considerably shortened and im-
proved by connecting it from the end of John Clendennen's lane with a road leading to the city of
Baltimore, and laid out from David Hanway's mill, and praying that the said road may be laid out
as aforesaid; and the same being considered reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Harford county
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, at their discretion, to appoint five disinterested
freeholders in said county as commissioners, and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are
hereby authorised and empowered, (if any such be appointed,) to view the said road leading from
Underbill's mill to the city of Baltimore, beginning at the end of John Clendenmen's lane, at a
branch called Stirrup Branch, and to survey and lay out the same from thence to intersect, at David
Hanway's mill, the road leading from said mill to the city of Baltimore, in as streight a direction as in
their judgments will best comport with the public convenience, and so as the same shall not be laid out
to run over the orchard, garden, yard or meadow, of any person, without the consent of the owners
thereof, and when surveyed and laid out, to return a plot thereof to the cterk's office of said county,
to be there filed and recorded; provided always, that the levy court, for sufficient cause, may reject
said plot and return, and may direct said commissioners to return another plot of said road, and so
from time to time till a plot shall be returned which shall be approved of and confirmed by said
Court to ap-
point commis-
sioners, See.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of said county, if a plot shall be returned as
aforesaid by the commissioners, be and it is hereby empowered, at the next court thereafter, to ap-
point an overseer or overseers to ctear and open slid road according to said plot, and to levy such
sum of money, as, in the discretion oF said court, shall be considered reasonable for the purpose of
ctearing and opening said road as aforesaid; and the said road, when surveyed, laid out, cteared and
opened as aforesaid, shall be deemed a public road, and shall be kept in repair as other public roads
in said county are kept in repair.
And appoint
an over seer,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, (if the levy court, in their discretion,
shall think proper to appoint any such,) shall be entitled to receive as a compensation the sum of
two dollars for every day they shall attend for the discharge of the duties required of them by this
act, and the said overseer or overseers shall receive the same compensation which the overseers of
public roads respectively receive, which compensations shall be respectively levied, collected and
paid, in the same manner that other county charges are levied, collected and paid.
to commission-
ers, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, when they lay out said road, may and
they are hereby authorised to assess the damages sustained by the individuals over whose lands the
said road may be laid out to run, and to return such assessment to the aforesaid levy court, to be
levied, collected and paid, as other county charges are levied, collected and paid.
to assess da-
mages, &.C.
An additional supplement to an act, entitled. An act to appoint com-
missioaers to examine, survey and lay cut, the road therein men-
Passed 7 th of
January, 1804,
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that the road contemplated to be laid
out has been improperly located, and it being the desire of a number of the inhabitants of
Baltimore county that a correct location of the same should be made ;
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