and form of government of this state as relate to the division of Frederick county into election dis-
tricts, shall be and the same is hereby confirmed.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1803,
An ACT for the benefit of Edward Montgomery, of Allegany
WHEREAS Edward Montgomery, a native of Ireland, emigrated to, and settled in, this state,
and since his emigration and settlement as aforesaid acquired real property therein, and his
title to such property, from his not having become naturalized agreeably to the laws of this state,
or of the United States, may be called in question, to his great detriment and injury; there-
Title vested,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title to the real property, law-
fully and fairly acquired by the aforesaid Edward Montgomery, whether such title be derived bv gift,
grant, purchase or devise, be and the same is hereby as amply and as fully vested in the said Edward
Montgomery, to all intents and purposes, as if he had been naturalized agreeably to said laws; pro-
vided always, that nothing in this act contained shall in any manner defeat any right, title or ctaim,
to the said property, or any part thereof, acquired or prosecuted by any person or persons what-
soever before the passage of this act; and provided also, in case the aforesaid Edward Montgomery
hath not as yet become a citizen of the United States, that unless he shall, on or before the first
ctay of May next, proceed according to law to make himself a citizen of the United States, this act
shall have no effect to confirm his title to the property above mentioned, nor shall he, or any person
ctaiming under him, derive any benefit under this act; but if the said Edward Montgomery die be-
fore the said first day of May next, nothing in this proviso contained shall prevent him from trans-
mitting or transferring his said property, by descent or devise, to any person or persons, being a
citizen or citizens of the United States, capable in law to hold the same.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1803.
An ACT authorising the levy court of Caecil county to lay out and
open a road in said county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of
East Nottingham, in Caecil county, that it will be of public advantage to have a road laid
out and opened, beginning at the Christiana road, where the road leading from Elkton and Charles-
town intersects the same, near to William Mullin's, running thence until it meets the road leading
from Lancaster near the house of John Chandlee, the distance being about one mile, and have pray-
ed that a law may pass for opening the same; therefore,
Court to ap-
point commis-
sioners, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Caecil county be
and they are hereby authorised, in their discretion, on the application of two thirds of the taxable
inhabitants of East Nottingham hundred, to appoint commissioners to survey and lay out a road,
not exceeding thirty feet in width, beginning at the Christiana road, where the road leading from
Elkton and Charles-town intersects the same, near to William Mullin's, and to be extended in as
straight a line as the nature of the ground will admit of, until it meets the road leading from Lan-
caster near the house of John Chandlee, and return a plot of said road to the cterk's office, to be
there recorded; and the levy court are hereby farther authorised and empowered, at the levy court
next after the said plot shall have been recorded, to appoint an overseer to open and ctear said road,
as laid out as aforesaid; and the said road, when laid out, opened and cteared, shall be and the same
is hereby dectared a public highway, and shall be annually kept in repair as other public roads in said
county j and they are hereby farther authorised to apply, at said court, such sum of money as they
shall deem necessary for laying out, surveying and opening said road, and for payment of damages
sustained by the proprietors of land over which said road shall be laid out, which damages shall be
assessed by the commissioners to be appointed as aforesaid, and also for the payment of a compen-
sation, at the rate of two dollars for every day each commissioner shall attend to the discharge of
the duties of this act, which said sums of money shall be paid as other county charges.
Not to go thro
buildings, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That said road shall not be made to run through any building, mea-
dow, garden, orchard or enctosed yard, without the consent of the owner, nor shall any field in
which grain, hemp, flax, or other cultivated vegetables are growing, be laid open until after the
season for collecting and securing the crop growing on such field.