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Session Laws, 1803
Volume 560, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for erecting a village at
Choptank bridge, in, Caroline county, and for other purposes there-
in mentioned.

Passed 31st of
Dec. 1803.

WHEREAS by an act passed at November session, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one,
entitled, An act for erecting a village at Choptank bridge, in Caroline county, and for other
purposes therein mentioned, certain commissioners were appointed to survey any quantity of land,
not exceeding one hundred acres, contiguous to Choptank bridge, in Caroline county, and the same,
when surveyed, to be erected into a village, and to be called and known by the name of Greens-
borough: And whereas by the death, removal or refusal to act, of the said commissioners, the pro-
visions of the original act was not complied with; therefore,


II, BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Caleb Boyer, Nehemiah Townshend,
Timothy Galdwell, Dorrington Chance and William Grawford, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners of the village of Greensborough, In Caroline county.

appointed, &c.

III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners are hereby authorised and empowered
to exercise all the powers vested in the commissioners appointed under the act to which this is a

To exercise
certain powers.

IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever a vacancy shall happen in the board of commissioners,
by death, removal out of the said village, or refusal to act, the remainder of said commissioners, or
a majority of them, shall proceed to appoint some person or persons within the said village to fill
the vacancy or vacancies so happening.

How vacancies
are to be filled,

V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and maybe lawful for any person residing within the limits
oF the said village, after the first day of April next, to seize and secure any geese or swine that may
be found running at large within the limits of the village aforesaid, belonging to any person residing
therein, and the same retain in his, her or their possession, till the owner or owners thereof shall
pay the sum of five shillings for every hog or half dozen of geese, and a proportionable sum for every
goose, so taken up, one half for the use of the person or persons taking up and securing the same,
and the other half to be applied to the use and improvement of said village, in such manner as the
commissioners, or a majority of them, shall direct; and in case the owner or owners of swine and
geese seized and secured as aforesaid shall not, within three days after notice of such seizure, pay
the aforesaid sum of five shillings for every hog or half dozen geese, and in proportion for every
goose, seized as aforesaid, to the person or persons seizing the same, in such case the whole of such
seizure shall be absolutely forfeited for the uses aforesaid, and it shall be lawful for the person or
persons seizing to sell the same by public vendue, in the said village, within live days, between nine
and ten o'ctock in. the forenoon of the said day, and to apply the monies arising from such sale to the
use aforesaid.

Geese, &c. may
be seized, &c.

VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or persons receiving fines or forfeitures under this
act, shall not, within ten days after the receipt thereof, pay over to the commissioners of said vil-
lage for the time being one half of the money so received, such person or persons shall forfeit the
whole of the money so received, for the use and improvement of the said village, which money, so
forfeited, may be recovered by the commissioners aforesaid in the same manner as small debts out of
court are recovered.

Fines, &c. to
be paid over,

VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the third and fourth sections of the act to which this is a supple-
ment be and the same are hereby repealed.


Sessions repeal-

An ACT to confirm an act, entitled, An act to alter and repeal such
parts of the constitution and form of government of this state as
relate to the division of Frederick county into election districts.

Passed 7th of
January, 1804.

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an act passed at November session,
eighteen hundred and two, entitled, An act to alter and repeal such parts of the constitution

An act confirm-

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Session Laws, 1803
Volume 560, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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