as my appear most conducive to their joint interests, which plan or compact, when reported to, and ratified
by, the succeeding legislatures of the two states, shall be mutually binding and obligatory.
RESOLVED, That the governor be and he is hereby requested to forward the aforegoing resolution to the go
vernor of the state of Pennsylvania.
RESOLVED, That the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the council, be and he is hereby au-
thorised and required to make such compensation to the commissioners to be appointed by the aforegoing resolu-
tion, when they shall have executed the duties therein prescribed, as he shall deem just and reasonable, by or-
der drawn on the treasruer of the western shore, who is hereby directed to pay the same out of any unappro-
priated monies in the treasury,
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Benjamin Hutchison, and his sureties, on judgments obtained by
this state against him, as sheriff of Kent county, be and the same are hereby stayed until the first day of Ja-
nuary, eighteen hundred and four,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the eastern shore be authorised and directed to allow the said Benjamin
Hatchison the sum of forty-eight pounds and two-pence, with interest thereon from the first day of September,
seventeen hundred and ninety-two, and give him credit for that sum on such of the claims of the state against
said Hutchison as the treasurer may think expedient.
RESOLVED, That Alien Quynn, one of the securities of William Goldsmith, deceased, late sheriff and col-
lector for Anne-Arundel county, be released from the payment of nine per cent, interest on the balance which.
was due to the state from the said Goldsmith, he having paid the said balance, with interest of six per cent
thereon since the death of the said Goldsmith.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed on a judgment obtained against John Smith Brookes, of Prince-
George's county, at the suit of the state, until the first day of November, eighteen hundred and three, on his
paying up all the interest due thereon.
RESOLVED, That the governor of this state be, and he is hereby requested, to transmit to the governor of
Pennsylvania a copy of an act passed November session, eighteen hundred and one, entitled, An act to incor-
porate a company to open a turnpike road from Fort Cumberland to the western side of the Laurel Hill, at or,
near Union-town, with a request that it be laid before the legislature of that commonwealth for their co-opera-
tion, &c as to carry the same into full effect.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the examiner-general of the western shore such
turn, in addition to his fees for the present year, as shall in the whole amount to the sum of three hundred pounds
and the examiner-general shall lay before the next session of assembly the amount of fees by him received in this
y^ar, on oath.
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, that negro Simon, the property of Mary Anne Dunn, of
Kent county, was indicted and found guilty of committing a rape, at October term, 1797, and was sentenced to
death, and afterwards executed pursuant to his said sentence : And whereas the sum of £. 100 current money,
the valuation of the aforesaid slave, has been levied on Kent county, for the use of said Mary Anne Dunn,
whose property he was at the time of his conviction; therefore RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western
shore pay to the order of the levy court of Kent county the sum of one hundred pounds current money, to be
applied towards defraying the charges of said county,
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested to take such steps as to them shall seem proper, for
collecting together and placing our military stores in the best situation for public use, and for the effectual pre-
servation of the public arms and military accoutrements, and that they be also requested to have procured such
a number of ball cartridges as they may think necessary to answer any sudden call or emergency in defence of
this state.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised to draw on the treasury of the
western shore for such sum or sums of money, not exceeding five hundred dollars, as may be necessary to carry
into effect the above resolution.
RESOLVED, That the governor aed .council be requested, and they are hereby authorised, to allow to the
company of the select militia, and the company of artillery, in the city of Annapolis, such a quantity of powder
and ball as they may think necessary in case of any emergency, by orders drawn for that purpose on the person
who may have charge of the military stores.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby required to pay to Henry Dukehart,
of the city of Baltimore, or his order, seventy pounds, being the amount of the valuation of a slave named John,