as much convenience to the public, and praying that the said road may be again reviewed; and the
same being reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners in the said ori-
ginal act named, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised and required to review
the said road laid out under the said original act, beginning at the end of the last line but one of
said road, and to lay out the same so as to intersect the road leading from the Bald Friar ferry to
the Peach Bottom ferry at or near Ezekiel Williams's house, and to return a plot of such alteration
to the levy court of said county; and the overseer or overseers appointed in virtue of the said ori-
ginal act shall open the same, and when opened, the same shall be kept in repair as the other part
of said road is directed to be kept in repair.
to review the
road, &c
III. AMD BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall have an allowance of two dollars
for every day they severally attend in discharge of the duties required by this act.
Their allow-
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to prevent the going at
large of geese and swine in the town of Havre-de-Grace, in Har-
ford county.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the con-
stable of said town, or any other person that may be appointed by the commissioners, to seize
and impound any geese or swine he shall find going at large therein, and it shall be the duty of said
constable, or other person appointed as aforesaid, so seizing and impounding, immediately to set up
notice thereof in the most public peaces of said town for at least three days, and to insert the marks
and description of such geese or swine in said notices, and if the same are not reclaimed within
three days after seizure and impounding, and the expenccs of impounding and keeping, to be allowed
by a justice of the peace, be paid, together with the sum of fifty cents tor every hog, and one hun-
dred cents for every goose, that the same shall be publicly sold by the said constable, or other per-
son appointed as aforesaid, giving three days notice in writing, set up as aforesaid, of the time and
place of such sale, and the proceeds of such sale shall be first applied to the expence of impounding
and keeping them, and the surplus, the one half thereof shall be paid to the constable, or other
person appointed as aforesaid, and the other half to be paid to the commissioners of said town, to
be by them applied towards the mending and repairing the streets in said town.
&.c, may seize
geese, &c.
II. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all that part of the law passed at November session, se-
venteen hundred and ninety-eight, which authorises any person to kill, or cause to be killed, any
geese or swine going at large in said town, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Part of a law
An ACT appointing commissioners for the regulation and improve-
ment of Denton, in Caroline county.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Benjamin Denny, Levin Charles, Sa-
muel Emerson, John Bennett and Alexander Maxwell, are hereby constituted commissioners to
execute and perform the trust reposed in them by this act; and in case any of the said commission-
ers should die, refuse to act, or remove out of the said county, the others, or a major part of them,
shall elect some other fit and proper person or persons oF the said county in the room of him or
them so dying, refusing to act, or removing out of the said county.
II. AND, whereas it is represented to this general assembly, that the owners of the land in and
appointed, &c.
contiguous to Denton, in Caroline county, are desirous that a village should be surveyed and laid
out, with convenient streets, lanes and alleys; therefore, BE IT ENACTED, That the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and empowered to survey and lay out any
quantity of land, not exceeding forty acres, including the public square called Denton, in Caroline
county, and the lands thereto contiguous, and the same, when surveyed, to be erected into a village,
and to be called and known by the name of Denton; and such village, when surveyed and laid-out,
to divide into lots, which lots shall be numbered and bounded by stones at every corner of the same ;
and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and empowered to survey
mad lay out a sufficient number of streets, not exceeding sixty feet wide as also a sufficient number
Who are sur-
vey land, &c