the building of a church, parsonage-house and rnarket-house, in said town, the building and erecting
of which the said commissioners, and their successors, are hereby authorised to direct and superin-
tend, any thing in the said original act to the contrary notwithstanding.
to give bond,
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, before the sale
or disposal of any ticket or tickets in said lottery, instead of the bond by the original act directed to
be given, shall give bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of twelve thousand dollars, con-
ditioned, that they will well and truly apply the money arising from said lottery, within two months
after the drawing thereof, to the payment of the prizes drawn by the fortunate adventurers in said
lottery, and the necessary expences incurred in the management thereof, and the residue of said mo-
nies to the building a church, parsonage-house and market-house, in the town of Havre-de-Grace,
in aid of a private subscription already made towards the erecting of said buildings.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803
An ACT to prevent swine and geese from going at large in the town
of New-Market, in Dorchester county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the inhabitants of the town of New-
Market, in Dorchester county, that great inconveniencies and injuries have resulted from
the going at large of swine and geese in said town; for prevention thereof,
Swine, &c.
may be seized
&c .
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any
person or persons residing within the limits of said town, after the first day of March next, to seize
and secure any swine or geese that may be found at large within the limits of said town belonging
to any person residing therein, and the same retain in his, her or their possession, till the owner or
owners thereof shall pay the sum of fifty cents for every hog, and twelve and a half cents for every
goose, so taken up, one half for the use of the person or persons taking up and securing the same,
and the other half for the use of the poor in said county; and in case the owner or owners of any
swine or geese seized and secured as aforesaid, shall not, within three days after notice of such
seizure, pay the said sum of fifty cents for every hog, and twelve and a half cents for every goose,
seized as aforesaid, to the person or persons seizing the same, in such case the whole of such seizure
shall be absolutely forfeited for the uses aforesaid, and it shall be lawful for the person or persons
seizing to sell the same, at public vendue, in the said town, within five days after such seizure, and
to apply the monies arising from such sale to the uses aforesaid.
Penalty for no
paying over
fines, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or persons receiving fines or forfeitures under this
act, shall not, within ten days after the receipt thereof, pay over to the trustees of the poor of Dor-
chester county one half of the money received as aforesaid, such person or persons shall forfeit the
whole of the money so received, for the use of the poor of said county, which money, so forfeited,
may be recovered by the trustees aforesaid in the same manner as other debts of like amount may be
And for taking
swine, &c. by
violence, &c.
IV, AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or persons shall, by violence or force, take swine
or geese, or any of them, out of the possession of any person or persons seizing and securing the
same by virtue of this act, without first paying for the same as aforesaid, and shall be thereof con-
victed, either by confession or verdict, such person or persons shall be fined in a sum not exceeding
twenty dollars current money for every such offence.
General issue
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person shall be sued or impleaded for any thing done by
virtue of this act, the defendant may plead the general issue, and give this act and the special mat-
ter in evidence.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to appoint and authorise
commissioners to review and lay out the road therein mentioned in
Harford county.
WHERE AS Thomas Johnson, of Harford county, hath, by his petition to this general assem-
bly, represented, that he is injured by the road as laid out under the original act to which
this is a supplement, and that the said road may be laid out with less injury to the petitioner, and with