mark, a public road, from Gravelly hill, near the city of Baltimore, in a direction towards Liber-
ty-town, to the Frederick county line at or near Philemon Barne's plantation, of the width of
sixty-six feet, and in as. streight a line as the nature of the ground will permit, running the said
road by Randall's-town, and crossing the falls at Alien's mill, and running the said road by Lit-
tle's tavern, and on. the south side of the same, and the said commissioners are to consider not
only the distance but the situation and goodness of the ground on which the said road is to pass.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners appointed to examine, survey and lay out,
the aforesaid road, after they shall lay oat and mark the same, are hereby directed to return the
courses and plots thereof to the clerk of Baltimore county court, which shall be by him recorded,
and the said road so laid out shall for ever afterwards be held and adjudged in all courts of. law or
equity a public road and common highway.
C H A P. CI.
Who shall re-
turn the
courses, &c
An ACT to appoint a. trustee to take care of that part of the Indian
lands in Dorchester county which was laid off for, and occupied.
by a certain Molley Mulberry, lately deceased.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that a certain Molley Mulberry, one
of the tribe of the Choptank Indians, had laid off for her by the commissioners appointed
to contract for and purchase the lands commonly called the Choptank Indian Lands, in Dorchester
county, the quantity of twenty acres of the aforesaid land; and the said Molley Mulberry having
lately died, and leaving no descendant, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Henry Waggaman be and he is
hereby appointed trustee for the purpose of taking care of the land heretofore laid off for the
aforesaid Molley Mulberry, and the same to let out for the ensuing year, and until the legislature
shall make further order therein, and to account for the rents and profits thereof in such manner
as the legislature shall hereafter direct.
A' trustee. ap*>
pointed, &c.
An ACT to revive, continue and make permanent, the acts of
assembly therein mentioned,
Passed 31st of
Dec, 1801,
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly, of Maryland That the following acts of assembly, to
wit, An act, entitled, An act for the destruction of crows in the several counties therein
mentioned, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-six, be continued until the
thirtieth day of October, eighteen hundred and five, and until the end of the next session of as-
sembly which shall happen thereafter; that an act, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation of
flour and salted provisions, not merchantable, from the port of Chester, passed at November ses-
sion, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, be continued until the thirtieth day of October,
eighteen hundred and five, and until the end of the next session of assembly which may happen
thereafter; that an act, entitled, A supplement to the act, entitled, An act for, the establishment
and regulation of levy courts in the several counties in this state, passed at November session,
seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, be continued until the thirtieth day of October, eighteen
hundred arid five, and until the end of the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter;
that an act, entitled, A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate and discipline the mi-
litia of this state, passed at, November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, be continued
until the first day of October, eighteen hundred and two, and until the end of the next session of
assembly which shall happen thereafter; that a supplement to the act respecting certificates of
surveys made on the eastern shore, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-
seven, that an act, entitled, An act respecting the poor-house of Baltimore county, passed at
November, session, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, be continued until the thirtieth day of
October, eighteen hundred and five, and until the end of the next session of assembly which shall,
happen thereafter, subject nevertheless to the operation of any act or acts of .assembly which have-
passed since the said. recited acts, or either of them.
Acts continued.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That an act, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation of flour
not merchantable, and unsound salted provisions, from the port of 'Havre-de-Grace, passed at
November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-six, be and the same is here Iff; enabled into a
permanent lawi that another aft, entitled,, An act to prevent the exportation of bread and flour
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AS s made pur**.