And whereas it is also represented to this general assembly, that if the present levy court of the
said county had the power to reject, alter, change or confirm, the said road, it would be highly
beneficial to the inhabitants of the said county; therefore.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the lew court or
Washington county be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to reject, alter, change or
confirm, the said road, so as afore-said con finned by the former levy court, and they are hereby
authorised and empowered to confirm, reject, alter or change, either of the said routs, as survey-
ed and laid out by the commissioners appointed under the act to which this is a, supplement, or to
lay out a new road in the direction aforesaid; and the justices of the levy court are authorised and
empowered to appoint commissioners for any or either of the purposes aforesaid, which commissi-
ers, when appointed, shall have all the powers, and be subject to ail the limitations, given by the
original act.
Justices may
reject, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the powers given to the supervisor or supervisors for the
said road by the former levy court, be and the same are hereby suspended, and he or they shall
not proceed to clear or open the said road, or any part thereof.
Powers sus-
pended, &c,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of the levy court be and they are hereby autho-
rised to meet on the first Monday in February next, or at any time prior to the said first Monday
In February next, and to make such adjournment as to them shall seem proper.
justices to
meet, &c.
An ACT to correct a mistake in the act therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Richard Watts, of
Saint-Mary's county, that from two errors committed in the preamble of the act passed at
November session, eighteen hundred, entitled, An act relating to the real estate of Elizabeth
Watts, the objects contemplated thereby have been defeated; that the said preamble recited the
sale of two tracts of land, when there was but one, called Brick Kilns and Park's Addition joined
with Addition, and that the said traft contained fifty acres more or less ,
Passed 31st of
Dec 1801.
II. BE IT ENACTED, That from and after the passage of this act, the chancellor shall have as
full and competent power to act under the said law as if no such mistake had happened.
may act, &c.
An ACT respecting the proceedings on a commission issued oat of
Prince-George's county court concerning a tract of land called
Part of Good Luck.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Edward Wil-
let, of Prince-George's county, that a certain Rebecca Hall, of the county aforesaid, died
seized of a tract of land lying-in said county, and known by the name of Part of Good Luck, con-
taining one hundred and eighty-eight acres ; that a commission issued from the court of the said
county, in conformity to the directions of the act of assembly, entitled An act to direct descents ;
that under the aforesaid commission the said land was exposed to public sale, when a certain
James A. Magruder became the ostensible purchaser, when in fact he was bidding for the aforesaid
Edward Wiilet: And whereas it is also stated, that the aforesaid James A. Magruder was return-
ed by the said commissioners to the court of the county aforesaid as the purchaser of the aforesaid
land, and that the court were of opinion that they were not authorised to send back the said com-
mission for correction, and that it remains filed in said court unconfirmed: And whereas it is fur-
ther stated, that the representatives of the aforesaid Rebecca Hall are very numerous, and live,
some in the commonwealth of Virginia, and others in different counties of this state; that other
difficulties, arising from the non-age of some of said representatives and the right of dower
In others, renders it impracticable to procure deeds from all the said representatives : And where-
as it is proved by the affidavit of the said James A. Magruder, that he purchased the said land at
the particular request of, and for the use of, the said Edward Wiilet, and that all payments for
the said land have been made by the said Wiilet : And whereas the said Edward Wiilet hath prayed
that an act may pass authorising the return of the said commissioners to be corrected j therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the county court of Prince-
George's county shall be and they are hereby empowered and directed, at their next April term,
Z to
Court re-
quired &c