III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act shall be confirmed by the general assembly, after
the next election of delegates, in the first session after such new election, as the constitution and
form of government directs, that in such case this act, and the alteration of the said constitution
contained therein, shall be considered as a part, and shan constitute and be valid as a part, of the
said constitution and form of government, to all intents and purposes, any thing therein con-
tained to the contrary-notwithstanding.
C H A P.
If confirmed,
to be a part of
the constituti-
AN ACT tq enable the levy court of Anne-Arundel county to assess
and complete the levy of said county for the year eighteen hun-
dred and one
Passed 31st of
%-ec. 1-801,
WHEREAS the late levy court of Anne-Arundel county did not make and assess the levy
for said county agreeably to law for the year eighteen hundred and one: And whereas it
appears to, .this general assembly right and proper that the present levy court should assess and
make the levy for said county, and to do all such thing or things, act or acts, that the late levy
court might have done ; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Anne-Arundel county be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, between the first day of
January and the first day of February next, to meet at their usual place of meeting in the city of
Annapolis, to adjust the ordinary and necessary expences of the county, including an allowance
for the poor of the county, and public roads, and for the payment thereof, with a commission for
collection, not exceeding six per cent, and to appoint a collector or collectors of the same, in the
same manner, and agreeably to the regulation of an act, entitled, An act for the establishment
and regulation of the levy courts in the several counties of this state, any law to the contrary
Justices t».!
meet, fos,-
A Further supplement to an act, entitled. An act permitting the
proprietors of lots binding on the water at the west end of the
Bason, in Baltimore-town, to extend and improve the same.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That each and every of the proprietors of
lots binding on and entitled to the privileges of the water at the west end of the city of
Baltimore, between Pratt-street and Forest-street, shall be and are hereby permitted to wharf
out, extend and improve, the whole front of their several lots respectively, and for such distance
as from time to time they may think fit, until they intersect a line drawn from the east side of
Light-street to the east side of Forest-street, provided the whole front of each proprietor's lot
on said line be extended, and no dock or vacant space left on part thereof; and provided also,
that sixty feet of the said wharfs from the east side thereof, when so made out and extended, at
the end thereof, shall be deemed, taken and considered, as a public highway for ever thereafter,
reserving to the proprietors of the said wharfs the benefit and advantage of the wharfage thereof,
under the limitations in the original act, any thing therein, contained to the contrary notwith-
Proprietors •
may wharf oufrj,
W •,
An ACT for erecting a lazaretto near the waters of Patapsco, for
the reception of persons infeded with malignant contagious dis-
Passed 31 st of
Dec. i So i.
WHEREAS, to prevent extension of the plague, or other malignant contagious disease which
may be imported into this state, is an object of great importance to the welfare and com-
merce of the citizens thereof, and humanity calls for the protection and care of those who may
come into this, state afflicted with any plague, or other malignant contagious disease, and that a
place proper for their reception should immediately be built, so that they may be kept separate
from all other citizens, and thereby prevent as much as may be the extension of contagion: And
whereas it is, necessary for the building of a lazaretto, that provision should be made for condemn-
ing a quantity of land, not exceeding ten acres, if the said land cannot be had by contract ;
II. By