C H A P.
county, to Newport, in Charles county, and the said commissioners, or any five of them, are au-
thorised to alter, streighten and amend, the said road, in such manner and places as they may think
right and proper, provided that the said road shall not go through any yards, gardens or orchards,
of any person or persons, without his, her or their consent, and to cause the same to be well
cleared and grubbed, twenty feet wide at the least; and they are hereby directed to employ such
person or persons as surveyor, chain-carriers and labourers, on the said road, as may be necessary
to complete the same, and shall make a true return of that part of the said road that shall go
through Saint-Mary's county, to the levy court thereof, to be by them recorded as a public road
therein, and to be kept up in manner as is provided for other public roads of the said county, and
the said commissioners shall in like manner make return to the levy court of Charles county of the
said road, so far as it shall go through the said county, to be by them recorded as one of the pub-
lic roads thereof, and to be kept up in manner as is, provided for the same.
Who are to re-
turn an ac-
count &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners aforesaid, or any five of them, shall return
to the levy court of Saint-Mary's and Charles counties a correct account of the expences in-
curred in the laying out, clearing and grubbing, of the said road, and it shall be the duty of the
levy courts of the said counties, at their next meeting for the purpose of laying their respective
county levies after such return shall be made, to levy on the assessable property in said counties
the amount of the said expences, each county paying so much as shall have accrued in laying out
clearing and grubbing, that part of the said road lying within the limits of the same.
And meet at
Chaptico, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall meet at Chaptico, in Saint-Ma-
ry's county, on the first Monday in April next, to proceed to the execution of their duties re-
quired by this act and any one or more of them may adjourn from time to time, and from place to
place, until the whole business shall be completed.
In certain
eases freehold-
ers to be sum-
moned, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in every case where the said road may be turned through the
lands or tenements of any person who may consider him or herself aggrieved thereby, it shall be
and is hereby made the duty of the sheriff of the county where such lands or tenements shall lie,
on application, forthwith to summon twelve disinterested men of his county as a jury, to meet on
the premises, on a certain day to be by him named, which jury upon their oath, to be administer-
ed by the said sheriff, shall ascertain the damages such proprietor or proprietors will sustain by
reason of such road running through his, her or their land, and the said jury ane hereby required
to consider the convenience and benefit, a.nd the disadvantages, if any, occasioned by the road-
passing through the same, and. the said sheriff shall return the inquest of the jury, under his hand,
and their hands and seals, to the levy court of the said county, and the damages so valued and
ascertained shall be levied by the said court as other county charges are, and in like manner col-
lected and paid over to the person or persons for whose use the same shall be levied.
ers allowance/
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall be allowed the sum of one dollar
each for every day they shall attend in executing the duties of them required by this act, and there
shall be allowed to the sheriff for summoning and swearing a jury, and returning the inquest there-
of, the sum of three dollars, and to each juryman the sum of fifty cents for every day he may at-
tend as such, to be assessed and levied in the same proportion and in the same manner as is here-
in before directed.
C H A P. XC.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801,
AN ACT to alter such parts of the constitution and form of govern-
ment as relate to voters, and qualifications of voters.
What persons
shall have a
slight of suf-
frage, &c
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That every free white male citizen of this
state, and no other, above twenty-one years of age, having resided twelve months in the
county next preceding the election at which he offers, to vote, and every free white male citizen
of this state above twenty-one years of age, and having obtained a residence of twelve months
next preceding the election in the city of Baltimore or the city of Annapolis, and at which he
offers to vote, shall have a right of suffrage, and shall vote by ballot in the election of such coun-
ty or city, or either of them, for delegates to the general assembly, electors of the senate, and
Part of the
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every part of the constitution and form of government
of this state repugnant to, or inconsistent with, the provisions of this act, shall be and the same,
are hereby abrogated, annulled and made void.