XXVIIL AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend-
to, or interfere with, any judgment of any court which has sentenced any criminal to. work on the
public roads of Baltimore county, or in making, cleaning and repairing, the streets and bason of
the city of Baltimore, but that every criminal heretofore sentenced to work on the roads of Bal-
timore county, or in making, cleaning and repairing, the streets and bason of the city of Balti-
more, shall continue to work and labour on the public roads of Baltimore county, or in making,
cleaning and repairing, the streets and bason of the city of Baltimore, as heretofore they have
been adjudged.
C H A P.
Not to interfere
with any
judgment, Sec.
XXIX, AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of the levy court may annually allow any
supervisor by them to be appointed such compensation for his services as they may deem reason-
Court may al-
low compensa-
tion, <k,c.
XXX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court are hereby authorised and empowered to
contract with any person or persons to keep in repair any of the aforesaid turnpike roads, after the
same shall be completed as directed by this act, or such part thereof as they shall think proper so
to contract for.
And contra^,
XXXI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all laws heretofore passed respecting turnpike roads in
Baltimore county, inconsistent with or repugnant to this law, be and the same are hereby re-
Laws repealed.
A Supplement to an ad, entitled, An act to alter and change the
names of Charles Ridgely Carnan, and others, according to the
will of captain Charles Ridgely, of Baltimore county, deceased.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
WHEREAS doubts are entertained relative to the operation of the aforesaid act on the heirs
female of the said Charles Ridgely Carnan ; and the said Charles Ridgely Carnan, whose
name hath been thereby altered and changed to the name of Charles Ridgely, being desirous, and
praying that all his children shall bear the surname of Ridgely,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all the children of the said Charles
Ridgely, formerly Charles Ridgely Carnan, already born, or to be hereafter born, shall bear the
surname of Ridgely ; provided nevertheless, that the surname of any female child of the said
Ridgely be Liable to be changed by marriage, and that any gift, sale, bequest or devise, made to
any child of the said Charles Ridgely, born before or after the said act, by the surname of either
Ridgely or Carnan, shall be good and effectual, according to the intention of the deed or will con-
taining the said gift, sale, bequest or devise,
Children to
bear the name
of Ridgely,
An ACT for the relief of John Leef and Thomas Ritter, of Bal-
timore county.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
WHEREAS John Leef and Thomas Ritter, of Baltimore county, have lately purchased some
real property, lying in the county aforesaid, of a certain Athelstan Dawson Lawrence, of
said county : And whereas some doubts have arisen as to the validity of the title of the said John
Leef and Thomas Ritter to the said property, in as much as the said Athelstan Dawson Lawrence
was never naturalized agreeably to the laws of the United States ; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title of the said John Leef
and Thomas Ritter to the said real property, shall be and the same is hereby made as perfect and
complete as if the said Athelstan Dawson Lawrence had been naturalized agreeably to the laws of
the United States ; provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall in, any manner defeat
or affect any right, title or claim, to the said property, or any part thereof, acquired or prosecuted
by any person or persons whatever before the passage of this act.
Title made
perfect, &c,
C H A P.