C H A P.
General issue
plea dable.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person shall be sued or impleaded for killing or selling
any such swine as aforesaid, the defendant may plead the general issue, and give this act and the
special matter in evidence, and if the plaintiff shall be nonsuit, or discontinue his suit, he shall
pay costs, and such damages to the defendant as the court shall adjudge.
Passed 31st of
Dec, 1801.
An ACT to enable the Zion church congregations to finish and
complete their house of public worship in Baltimore county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of a number of the
inhabitants of Baltimore county, that the lutheran and presbyterian societies have been
incorporated in said county, by an act of assembly passed at November session, eighteen hundred,
and having heretofore undertaken to build a house of public worship sufficiently large to accommo-
date both societies, and to be applied for the purposes of a school, and the subscriptions hereto-
fore obtained for the finishing said building having proved considerably insufficient, that large debts
have been already incurred by said congregations, and that from the straitened circumstances of
the members thereof, they are totally incapacitated from finishing said building without the aid
of funds to be obtained otherwise than from the said societies, and praying for an act to pass to
authorise, in this particular case, a lottery for providing funds for the purpose aforesaid j and the
same being considered reasonable, therefore,
A scheme may
be proposed.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That George Kerlinger, George
Eapaugh, Adam Showers and Adam Burns, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby autho-
rised to propose a scheme of a lottery for raising such sum of money as they, or a majority of
them, shall consider sufficient to complete and finish said building, not exceeding two thousand
five hundred dollars, and to sell and dispose of the tickets therein.
Ge. Kerlinger
&.c. to give
bond, &c.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said George Kerlinger, George Eapaugh, Adam Showers
and Adam Burns, before they proceed to the sale of any ticket or tickets in said lottery, shall
give and execute a bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of five thousand dollars, condi-
tioned that they will well and truly apply the monies arising therefrom, within six months after
the drawing thereof, to the payment of the prizes drawn therein to the adventurers to whom
they shall be due, and the necessary expences incurred in the management thereof, and the resi-
due to the finishing of said building.
To be lodged
in the clerk's
office, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bond shall be lodged in the clerk's office of Baltimore
county, to be there recorded, and upon such bond, or an office copy thereof, suit or suits may be
instituted for any breach or non-compliance with the condition thereof.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
C H A P. V.
An ACT to open a road from John and Isaac Hearn's mill, in
Worcester county, to intersect the main road leading from Salis-
bury to Blackfoot.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of a number of the in-
habitants of Worcester county, that it would be of great advantage to themselves, and
the public in general, to have a road laid out from John and Isaac Hearn's mill, to intersect the
main road leading from Salisbury to Blackfoot ; therefore,
ers appointed,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Boaz Walston, George Parker,
John Bounds, William Dayly and John Dashiell, of jesse, be and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners, or any three or more of them are hereby authorised to lay out and open as aforesaid,
at the expence of the subscribers to the said road, a waggon road, in the most convenient direction,
not exceeding thirty feet wide, from or near John and Isaac Hearn's mill, in Worcester county,
to intersect the main road leading from Salisbury to Blackfoot ; and the road, when so laid out
and completed at the expence of the said subscribers, and after the valuations herein after directed
to be made, or the damages to be assessed, shall be paid or secured to the individuals concerned,
shall be recorded among the records of Worcester county court, and be thereafter deemed and
taken to be a public road for ever, and shall be kept; in. repair in, the same manner as other public
roads in said county,