MARYLAND, begun and held at the CITY of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the 2d of November,
in the year of our Lord 1801, and ended the 31st
of December in the same year, the following laws
were enacted.
An ACT to enable the court of appeals to continue certain causes.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the court of appeals now sitting, be
and they are hereby authorised to continue any cause depending in the said court, until and
during the November term next ensuing, which they may think proper, in order for a hearing on
the merits, and not for delay.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
Court may con-
tinue cause
An ACT to settle and ascertain the salary of members of the
council for the ensuing year.
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That each member of the council shall be
entitled to receive, for the ensuing year, the sum of two hundred pounds current money for
his salary.
Salary ascer-
An ACT to prevent swine from going at large in the town of Sa-
lisbury, in Somerset and Worcester counties.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that sundry persons in the town of
Salisbury, in Somerset and Worcester counties, do raise and keep a great number of swine,
and suffer them to go and remain at large within the said town, to the great injury of the inhabi-
tants thereof; therefore,
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1801.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That after the end of this ses-
sion, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons whatsoever, inhabitants of Salisbury, or the
inhabitants or proprietors of small lots of ground containing less than ten acres of land, lying
and being within one half of a mile from said town, to raise or keep any swine within said town,
or within one half of a mile of said town, except in enclosures, or to suffer any swine to go and
remain at large within said town, or within one half of a mile of said town ; and if any swine be-
longing to the inhabitants of said town, or inhabitants or proprietors of lots as aforesaid, shall be
found going and remaining at large within said town, or within half of a mile of said town, it
shall and may be lawful for any person or persons to impound the same, and such person or per-
sons shall immediately give notice, by advertisements set up at the most public places in the said
town, describing the swine so impounded, and if the owner or owners thereof shall not, within
ten days thereafter, prove his, her or their property therein, and make compensation for the in-
jury, if any, which may have been sustained by any inhabitants of the said town, to be ascertained
by any two disinterested persons, inhabitants as aforesaid, and shall not pay for every such swine,
to the person impounding the same, the sum of twenty-five cents for every day it shall have been
so impounded, it shall and may be lawful for the person or persons so impounding as aforesaid to
sell or kill the same for his, her or their use and benefit.
Swine not to
go at large, &c