judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be iflued against the said William Gardiner,
to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Charles Gardiner, of Charles county, on a judgment obtained against
the said Charles Gardiner, and others, fur the recovery of the balance due by him to the state of Maryland; be
and they are hereby suspended until aster the first day of December, one thoufand eight hundred and two, and
that the said Charles Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the said balance till the period
before mentioned ; provided, that the judgment aforefaid shall continue and be in full force, notwithstanding the
suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will then be due on the aforefaid
judgment be not paid by the time aforefaid, an execution may again be issued against the said Charles Gardiner,
to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That William Chambers, appointed treafurer for the eastern shore of Maryland, be and he is here-
by required, before he shall proceed to execute the duties of his laid office, to give bond to the said state, in the
penalty of twenty thoufand dollars, with at least two securities, to be approved of by the governor and council,
for the due and faithful performance and discharge of all the duties of him required as treasurer aforefaid.
Whereas it is reprefented to this general assembly, by the petition of Henry Costin, late sheriff of Queen-
Anne's county, that he was liable to pay to the ilate an interest of fisteen per cent, on the amount of college
funds received by him for the years feventeen hundred and ninety-eight and feventeen hundred and ninety-nine
that he hath paid and fatisfied to the agent of the state for the present year the whole of the balance due by him
for said funds, with an interest of fix per cent, and he praying to be released from the additional interelt of nine
per cent, on the said balance; and it appearing juit and reafonable, therefore, RESOLVED, That the said Henry
Costin be and he is hereby reieafed from the payment of the said nine per cent, interelt clue by him on the ba-
lance aforefaid.
RESOLVED, That the register of the land-office of the western shore be and he is hereby directed to issue a
patent in the name of Elizabeth Menkey, widow and devifee of George Philip Menkey, for the land contained
an a certificate of survey heretofore returned to the land office in the name of Peter Menkey, and that the said
patent issue according to the provissions of the last will and testament of the said George Menkey.
RESOLVED, That William Richardson, junior, Esquire, late treafurer of the eastern shore of Maryland, or
filch perlbn by him authorised who now has possession of the public monies, books and papers, belonging or ap-
pertaining to the treasury, is hereby required forthwith to deliver unto William Chambers, Efquire, the prefent
treafurer for the eastern shore of Maryland, all monies in the treafury, books of accounts and other papers, ap-
pertaining to the said treasury.
Whereas it is reprefented to the general assembly of Maryland, by the petition of Charles Queen, of Alle-
gany county, that a certain Patrick Dugan, formerly of said county, became entitled, as a settler, to the pre-
emption of lot No. 264 of the lands weitward of Fort Cumberland, and asterwards, transferred and assigned the
said lot to a certain Frederick Bray, who assigned the fame to the petitioner ; that the purchafe money of the
said lot has been fully paid ; that the lad payment was made by the petitioner; that a patent issued for the said
lot on the petitioner's application, but that from some mistake the said patent, instead of being made put to the
said Patrick Dugan, or to the petitioner, was made out to Peter Dugan ; chat there is no perfon of the name of
Peter Dugan who claims the said land, and that on account of the laid mistake the petitioner, who has the equi-
table title to the said lot, has no means of completing his legal title to the fame : And whereas the petitioner
hath prayed such relief as to this assembly as shall seem proper ; RESOLVED, That the chancellor, on the
application of the said Charles Queen, made to him in the land-office, be authorifed to inquire into all the cir-
cumstances relative to the said lot, and the patent iflued for the lame, and that if the chancellor shall be fatis-
fied that no perfon of the name of Peter Dugan hath any equitable title to the said lot, and that the patent for
the said lot ought to have iflued to the said Charles Queen, or that the said Queen has an equitable claim to the
said lot, he the said chancellor shall have full power to order a vacation of the said patent to Peter Dugan, and
to direct a patent for the said lot to be issued to the said Charles Queen; provided nevertheless, that before the
chancellor shall direct a patent to Charles Queen as aforefaid, he fliall be fatisfied that a copy of this resolve,
under his order, hath been published at least three weeks successively in fome news-paper of Hager's-town, and
that at leait two months have elapsed since the last publication ; and provided also, that no good cause shall have
been shewn to the chancellor against issuing the said patent to the said Charles Queen.
RESOLVED, That the register of the land-office be and he is hereby authorifed to receive, as an office paper,
a certificate of resurvey of a tract of land called John's Adventure, made for a certain.William Ashmore, of
Harford county, in virtue of an order of the chancellor, in the fame manner as if the said certificate had been
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