RESOLUTIONS affented to November Scffion, 1801.
RESOLVED, That Thurfday, the twelfth inftant, be appointed to choose a fenator to reprefent this State in
the fenate of the United States, who shall be a resident of the eastern shore of the State of Maryland, and
that the perfon having the majority of the ballots of the attending members of both houfes of the legislature
be declared duly elected to reprefent this irate in the fenate of the United States ; and that a commision issue to
the faid fenator appointed as aforefaid, figned by the governor for the time being, or in his abfence by the pre-
fiding member of the council, in the following words, to wit: The state of Maryland to the honourable — —
Greeting: The legislature of Maryland, reposing especial confidence in your integrity and abilities, have ap-
pointed you fenator to reprefent this state in the fenate of the United States until the fourth clay of March, 1807.
Given under my hand, and the feal of this ftate, this ——— day of ———, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and one, and in the twenty-sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America.
RESOLVED, That the chancellor be empowered and requested to inquire into the circumstances respecting as
fale of lands in Caecil county made by Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, while intendant of the revenue, to Jeile
Reynolds, the certificate of which was returned to the land-office on the fourteenth of April, feventeen hundred
and eighty-seven, and which land was decreed to be fold on a bill filed in the chancery court by Henry Drinker,
executor of Robert Montgomery; and if the chancellor mail be of opinion that the faid Jeffe Reynolds, at the
time of the said sale, held the faid land under an equitable title from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, fo as
to come within the description of those lands mentioned in the acts of November, 1788, ch. 40, and 1789
eh. 14, he may and shall direct that the. faid land be paid for at the rate of £. 15 per hundred acres, with the
fees and costs, as mentioned in the first mentioned act, and on the payment of such sum to the state, with in-
terest, in the manner in which he may prescribe, from the proceeds of the fale, he shall direct the treasurer of
the weftern shore to deliver up the bond given by the faid Jeffe Reynolds on the purchafe of the. faid land, and.
fliall, on the payment of the whole purchafe money, after, the ratification of the fale, iffue a patent to the per-
fon entitled to the faid land,
RESOLVED, That the register of the land-office be and he is hereby directed and required to receive into his office
the patent heretofore issued to Jacob Baltzel, of Frederick county, for one hundred and twenty-fix acres of land,
being lot No. 40, part of Monocacy manor, bearing date on the twenty-first day of June, in the year seventeen
hundred and ninety-seven, and erafe the word." Jacob," and infert in lieu thereof the word " Charles" through-
out the faid patent, and that he alter and correct the record book in which the faid patent hath been recorded
fo as to correspond with the faid patent, when amended, and the error therein corrected as aforefaid ; and that
the faid Charles, and his heirs, shall have the fame right and title to the said land and premises as if the said pa—
tent had originally issued in his name.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Janes Boarman, of Charles county, on a judgment obtained against
the faid James Boarman, and others, for the recovery of the balance due by him, to the state of Maryland, be
and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and two, and
that the faid James Boarman be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the faid balance till.the period
before mentioned; provided, that the udgment aforefaid shall continue and be in full force, notwithstanding the
suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will then be clue on the aforefaid
judgment be not paid by the time aforefaid, an execution may again be issued against the said James Boarman, to
enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the order of his excellency the governor the sum-
of eight hundred dollars, to be by him applied in the purchafe of fuch furniture for the government houfe as he
shall find necessary.
RESOLVED, That this state extend to Joseph Wilkinson, executor of Richard Chew, the time for paying the
balance he owes the state, and that no procefs shall issue against the said Joseph Wilkinson, as executor aforefaid,
or the securities of the said Richard Chew, for the recovery of the balance due by them to the state, before the
first day of December, eighteen hundred and three.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings againft William Gardiner, of Charles county, on a judgment obtained against
the faid William Gardiner, and others, for the recovery of the balance due by him to the state of Maryland, be
and they are hereby fufpended until after the first day of December, one thoufand eight hundred and two, and
that the faid William Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the faid balance till the period
Before mentioned ; provided, that the judgment aforefaid shall continue and be in full force, notwithstanding the
suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will then be due on the aforesaid