(No. 8.)
Council Chamber, Annapolis, June 23d, 1808.
I AM directed by the governor and council to request that you will inform them, through me, whether
you valued the work done by Mr. William Tuck in the house of delegates room at the Baltimore rates.
I am, respectfully, your ob't. Servt.
NINIAN PINKNEY, Clerk of the Council.
Messrs. Wm. Camp and Walter Crook.
(A true Copy. S. Lowdermilk, clk.)
Baltimore, June 29th, 1808.
Ninian Pinkney, Esquire, Sir,
YOUR favour of the 23d inst, has been duly received and its contents fully considered. Our answer,
Sir, to the material part of your letter is, that we were no wise influenced by either the Baltimore or Annapolis
rates, as relates to the work performed by the Messrs. Tucks in the delegates room. To give you a just idea of
our procedure in the trust reposed in us, we submit the following method as the ground of our determination....
In the first instance we proceeded to the measurement of the work, after which we ascertained the quantity as
well as the quality of the work, materials, with their costs; then adjusted the journeymens bill, and added
the amount up, and allowed thereon a certain per centum adequate to the labour performed, (and as we con-
ceived,) a reasonable indemnification to the undertakers for the difference of situation between Annapolis and
this city, and the inconveniencies naturally attending the prosecution of such work. We wish, Sir, to be clear-
ly understood as far as relates to all the work done as specified in the bill rendered, (excepting the carpenter's
work, for which a bill has been received from the Mess. Tucks, valued by a person residing in Annapolis, which
does appear on the face of our bill.) we believe to be well executed, reasonable, and worthy of commendation.
We are, Sir, with sentiments of the highest esteem, respectfully, Your ob't. H'ble Servts.
(A true Copy. S. Lowdermilk, clk.)
(No. 9.)
Treasury-Office, Nov. 17, 1808.
IN compliance with your letter of this day relative to the money paid in virtue of a resolution of Nov.
1806, for desks for the use of the house of delegates, I have the honour to enclose you a statement thereof, ac-
companied with copies of the respective orders.
I am, Sir, very respectfully, Your Obt. Servant, B. HARWOOD, T. W. S.
John H. Thomas, Esq.
A Statement of Money paid in virtue of orders drawn on the Treasurer of the Western Shore by the Governor and Coun-
cil, pursuant to a resolution of November session, 1806, relative to furnishing the House of Delegates Room with 21 Desks,
for the use of each delegation.
Date of Orders
To whom drawn
To whom paid
When paid
1807. May 2.
William Tuck,
Dolls. 300
William Tuck,
May 4th, 1807.
1807. Dec. 12.
William and Washington Tuck,
1, 700
Dec. 21, 1807.
1808. June 23.
William Tuck,
Aug. 17, 1808.
1808. Aug. 17.
William Tuck,
Aug. 17, 1808.
Dolls. 3, 288
Nov. 17, 1808.
Dols. 300. In Council, May 2, 1807.
ORDERED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Mr. William Tuck the sum of three hundred dol-
lars, to be used in repairing the house of delegates room, and by him to be accounted for.
By order, NINIAN PINKNEY, Clerk.
ROBT. DENT, Aud. Gen.
Dolls. 1700. In Council, Decem. 12th, 1807.
ORDERED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Messieurs William and Washington Tuck seven-
teen hundred dollars, in part payment of their account against the state of Maryland for repairs to the house of
delegates room.
By order, NINIAN PINKNEY, Clerk.
ROBT. DENNY, Aud. Gen.