Mr. Carroll, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled An act to incorporate a company to
make a turnpike road from near Ellicott's lower mills towards George-town, in the district of Columbia; which
was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Baltimore and Harford counties, counter to the petition for a road from
the Black Horse tavern to Slade's tavern, in Baltimore county, was preferred, read, and ordered to lie on the
The bill to amend an act to reduce into one the several acts of assembly respecting elections, and to regulate
said elections, was read the second time, and the question put, Shall the said bill pass? The yeas and nays be-
ing required, appeared as follow;
Hebb Ireland Parnham Frazier Herbert Baer Young Hilleary
Blakistone Grahame Edmondson Dennis Beall J H Thomas Carroll M'Mahon
Hopewell Stuart Bayly Griffith Hayward Sappington Gaither Tomlinson
Reynolds Chapman Gale Page Wilson J Thomas S Thomas Reid 39
Blake Dorsey Cottman Perrie Bennett Hughlett Veatch
Brice O Williams Randall Mitchell Hopper Forwood Bayard. Tilghman
Welch Merriken Brown Porter Spencer Streett Willis Gabby
Hodges Stansbury Stevens Hart Wright Sanders R Steuart Downey
Belt Harryman Kerr Boyle Scott Davis Bland Bowles 55
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
Mr. Forwood, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of Harford county, praying a repeal
of an act for laying out a road from Underhill's mill to the city of Baltimore, report, that they think it inad-
visable, from the late period of the session, to act on the same at this time, and recommend a reference thereof
to the next general assembly. All which is submitted.
By order, R. WELCH, Jun. clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order and concurred with.
The clerk of the senate delivers the. bill to confirm the tale of William Crockett to part of a tract of land
called Hayman's Purchase, in Somerset county, the bill for building a bridge over Tuckahoe creek where the
old bridge now stand, the bill authorising a lottery to erect suitable buildings for a school-house for the accom-
modation of the youth of Emmitsburgh, and its vicinity, in Frederick county, the bill authorising the levy court
of Harford county to levy a sum, of money for the purpose of amending and repairing the road therein mention-
ed, and the bill to continue certain acts of assembly, severally endorsed, " will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed.
Also the bill for the improvement of Elkton, in Caecil county, the further supplement to an act, entitled, An
act for the relief of the poor of Caroline county, and to repeal part of the act of assembly therein mentioned,
and the bill for the relief of Nancy Gaither, Sarah Gaither and Mary Gaither, severally endorsed, " will pass
with the proposed amendments; " which amendments were read, agreed to, and the bills ordered to be engrossed.
Also the bill for the relief of John Scott, of the city of Baltimore, and the bill to make public an old road in
Harford county, severally endorsed, will not pass. " Also the resolutions in favour of John S. Brookes, Ro-
bert C. Stone, Vachel Burgess, Michael M'Can, Young Wilkinson and John Imeson, severally endorsed, " dis-
sented from. " Also the resolution in favour of William D. Beall, endorsed, " assented to. " And the engrossed
bills No. 14, 44. 49, 71, 72, 73 and 96, severally endorsed, " read and assented to. "
Mr. Baer, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the resolutions relative to the inspection of public re-
cords, as amended; which were read the first and second time by especial order and assented to.
The speaker laid before the house the report of the examiner-general for the western shore; which was read.
Mr. Tilghman, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to authorise a lottery to
raise a sum of money for the use of the German lutheran and presbyterian congregations in or near Boonsbo-
rough, in Washington county, and Mr. Streett, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, A
further additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act to lay out and make a public road from the Black-house
. in Harford -county, to intersect the Pennsylvania line; which were read the first and second time by especial
order and passed.
The house proceeded to the second reading of the report relative to the penitentiary, and the question was
put. That the blank in the resolution be filled up with the words " twenty thousand dollars ?" Determined in
the negative.
The question was then put on " ten thousand. " Determined in the negative.
The question was then put on "five thousand. " Determined in the negative.
The question was then put on " four thousand. " Determined in the negative.
The question was then put on " three thousand. " Resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put. That the house concur with the said report, and assent to the resolution therein
contained? Resolved in the affirmative.
A petition from Aquila Usleton, of Kent county praying a certain deed may be recorded, was preferred,
read, and referred to Mr. Brice, Mr. Porter and Mr. Welch, to consider and report thereon.