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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1807
Volume 555, Page 54   View pdf image (33K)
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The report of the committee on the petition of Robert. C. Stone, and others, was read the second time, and

the question put, That the house concur with the said report, and assent to the resolution therein contained?

The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:


W. H. Brown, Emerson, Green, King, Page. Shaaff, Hawkins, Ray,
Blakistone, Grahame, Rogerson, Dennis, Hall, J. E. Spencer, Carroll, Linthicum,
Gardiner, Reynolds, Gale, of Som. Ennalls, Callis, Sudler, Darne, Briscoe. 29.
Merriken, C Dorsey, Jackson, Henry, Muir,


W. Moffitt, Little, Seth, J. Williams, Kuhn, Holbrook, T. Dorsey, Tabbs,
Gale, of Kent, Harryman, Stevens, Sturgis, Shriver, Bayard, Steuart, Gabby,
Welch, M. Brown, Mitchell, Robins, Forwood, Jump, Bowles Tomlinson,
Brice, Kerr, T. Moffit, Dashiell, Ayres, Boon, Schnebly, Greenwell. 37.
Belt, P. Spencer, Porter, Biggs, Davis,

So it was determined in the negative.
The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

THURSDAY, December 10, 1807.

THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday, except Mr. Hopewell. The proceedings of
yesterday were read.

The bill to enlarge the powers of the trustees of the poor of Montgomery county, was sent to the senate by
the clerk.

Mr. Bruce, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:

THE committee to whom was referred the resolution from the states of Delaware and New-Jersey, expressive
of their opinion on the resolution originally proposed by the state of Kentucky, contemplating an amendment
of the constitution of the United States, so as to withdraw from the courts of the United States judicial cogni-
zance of controversies between citizens of different states, to controversies between citizens of the same state
claiming lands under grants from different states, and to controversies between citizens of a state and citizens
of a foreign state, beg leave to report, thai they deem it unnecessary to express any opinion upon the resoluti-
on above referred to them, or the constitutional alteration proposed, as the resolution originated by the state of
Kentucky, proposing this measure, and requiring some expression of opinion thereon by the legislature of Ma-
ryland, has heretofore been acted upon by it. All which is submitted.

By order, W. DIXON, clk.
Which was read.

A petition from Thomas Jackson, of Dorchester county, praying an indulgence in the payment of a balance
due by him to the state, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Ennalls, Mr. Dennis and Mr. Henry, to con-
eider and report thereon.

A petition from Richard Butler, of Frederick county, praying to be allowed for the depreciation of his pay as
deputy-quartermaster, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Kuhn, Mr. Shriver and Mr. Biggs, to consider

and report thereon.

Mr. Forwood, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to prevent swine from going
at large in the town of Belle-Air, in Harford county; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

A petition from the vestry of Saint-John's parish, of Harford and Baltimore counties, praying for a lottery for
the benefit of the same, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Harryman, Mr. Little and Mr. Forwood, to
consider and report thereon.

The amendments proposed to the supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the establishment of a school in
Caroline county, were read the second time, agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed

A petition from sundry inhabitants of the city of Baltimore, counter to the petition for the extension of Pratt-
street, was preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed on the petition to which it is counter.

The report of the committee on the petition of Evan Willing was read the second time, and the question put,
That the house concur therewith, and assent to the resolution therein contained? The yeas and nays being re-
quired, appeared as follow:


W. H. Brown, Merriken, Stone, Harryman, Dennis, Callis,. J. Williams, Ray
Blakistone, Emerson. C. Dorsey, Gale, of Som. Ennalls, Muir, Sturgis, Linthicum,
Gardiner, Grahame, Green, Jackson, Henry, Shaaff, Carroll, Bruce,
Belt, Reynolds, Rogerson, Winder, Page, Sudler, Darne, Greenwell. 33
O. Williams,

Moffit P. Spencer, J. Brown, Kuhn, Davis, Boon, Bowles, Gabby,
Little, Stevens, Robins, Shriver, Holbrook, T. Dorsey, Schnebly, Tomlinson,
M. Brown, Mitchell, Biggs, Forwood, Bayard, Steuart, Tabbs, Briscoe. 29.
Kerr, Porter, Hawkins, Ayres, Jump,

So it was resolved in the affirmative
Which resolution was sent to the senate by the clerk


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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1807
Volume 555, Page 54   View pdf image (33K)
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