A petition from Thomas S. Brewer, stating that he has been a soldier in, the American army, and praying to
be allowed half pay, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Stone, 'Mr. Gale, of Somerset, and Mr. Winder,
consider and report thereon.
Mr. Bruce, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to extend further the powers
of the levy court of Allegany county relative to roads in said county, and for other purposes; which was read
the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
The further supplement to the act, entitled, An act relating to negroes, was read the second time, and the
question put, Shall the said bill pass? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow;
Messieurs W. H. Brown, Bruce. 3.
Blakistone, Merriken, M. Brown, Mitchell, Robins, Forwood, Steuart, Darne,
W. Moffitt. Grahame, Jackson, Cox, Dashiell, Ayres, Bowler, Ray,
Gale, of Kent, C. Dorsey, King, Porter, Biggs, Holbrook, Tabbs, Tomlinson,
Welch, Rogerson Dennis, J. Williams, Hawkins, Bayard, Gabby, Greenwell,
Brice, Little, Henry, Sturgis, Kuhn, T. Dorsey, Carroll, Briscoe. 40.
So it was determined in the negative.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Harford county, praying the repeal of the law passed last session for
reviewing the road, or part thereof, from Underhill's mill to Baltimore, was preferred, read, and referred
to Mr. Forwood, Mr. Davis and Mr. Ayres, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Carroll, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to enlarge the powers of
the trustees of the poor of Montgomery county; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
A petition from the vestry of St. Thomas's parish, of Baltimore county, praying that the managers of a lot-
tery for the benefit of said parish may be authorised to sell tickets in the city of Baltimore, was preferred, read,
and referred to Mr. Little, MT. M. Brown and Mr. Harryman, to consider and report thereon.
A petition from Robert Leatherbury, late sheriff and collector of Somerset county, praying further, time to
complete his collection, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr, Winder, Mr. King and Mr. Jackson, to con-,
sider and report thereon.
The amendments proposed by the senate to the bill for the relief of Mary Gwinn, of Frederick county, were
read the second time and dissented from.
The following message was read and agreed to.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 7, 1807.
Gentlemen of the Senate,
WE have received the bill, which originated in this house, entitled, An act for the relief of Mary Gwinn, of
Frederick county, with certain amendments. The amendments proposed will wholly defeat the object wished
for by the person applying for relief, which this house formerly thought, and still are of opinion, ought to be
extended. We therefore have returned the bill for the reconsideration of the senate, with a hope that it may be
passed without the amendments proposed.
By order, J. BREWER, clk.
The report of the committee on the memorial of Jeremiah T. Chase, relative to confiscated property pur-
chased by him, was read the second time, and the question put, That the house concur therewith, and assent to
the resolution therein contained? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
W. H. Brown, Merriken, C. Dorsey, Jackson, Henry, Shaaff, Ayres, Darne,
Blakistone, Blake, Rogerson, Winder, T. Moffit, J. Williams, T. Dorsey, Ray,
Hopewell, Grahame, Little, King, Page, Sturgis, Bowles, Bruce,
Gale, of Kent, Reynolds, Kerr, Dennis, Callis, Dashiell. Schnebly, Tomlinson,
Welch, Stone, Seth, Ennalls, Muir; Forwood, Tabbs, Greenwell. 41.
W. Moffitt M. Brown. J. E. Spencer, Hawkins, Shriver, Holbrook, Jump, Briscoe. 15.
Brice, Porter, Robins, Kuhn, Davis, Bayard, Gabby,
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act for the speedy recovery of smalt
debts out of court, and to repeal the act of assembly therein mentioned. ORDERED, That Mr. Ennalls, Mr.
Bruce, Mr. T. Moffit. Mr. Little and Mr. W. Moffitt, be a committee to prepare. and bring in the same.
The house proceeded to the second reading of the bill for founding a medical college in the city or precincts
of Baltimore for the instruction of students in the different branches of medicine; and, on progression in reading
the same, the question was put, That the words " and the said president, professors, lecturers, and such neces-
sary officers and servants as give constant attendance upon the business of the said college; shall be exempt from
all rates and taxes upon their salaries, and from military duty, except in the case of an actual invasion of the
state, and when general military law is declared, " be stricken out of the 9th section? Resolved in the affirma-
The question was then put, That the following words be inserted in lieu of the words stricken out? " and
the president, professors, and lecturers of the said college, shall be exempt from military duty, except in the