ed in Allegany county; and the said court is hereby authorised to contract with some person or persons, (taking
bond with security for due performance, ) for the expending, in such manner as the court shall direct, and to the
best advantage, in opening and making passable said road, the sum of ——— dollars, which said sum the treasu-
rer of the western shore is directed and required to pay to the order or orders of the said court, out of any un-
appropriated money in the treasury; and the levy court of Allegany county are hereby authorised to pay the
expense attending the laying off said road, and damages done to property within their own. county, to be es-
timated in the usual way.
By order, G. WINCHESTER, clk.
Which was read.
Mr. Stone, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the memorial of John Barnes, clerk of Charles county, beg leave to
report, that they have considered the same, and think the prayer of the petitioner is reasonable; they there-
fore submit to the house the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the clerk of Charles county, under the direction of the levy court of Charles county, be
and he is hereby authorised to transcribe all such land records as are in a ruinous condition, as well as to make
a complete general alphabet to the land records in his office; and the said levy court of Charles county are here-
by empowered to levy so much money on the assessable property of the said county as will defray the expenses
incurred in transcribing the same, and in making the said general alphabet.
All which is submitted.
By order, N. MARTIN, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order, and the resolution therein contained assented to
The bill authorising Alexis Boone, late sheriff of Prince-George's county, to complete his collection, was read
the second time and passed.
ORDERED, That the bill to incorporate a fire insurance company in the city of Baltimore, have a second read-
ing on Tuesday the 8th instant.
The house adjourns until Monday morning 9 o'clock..
MONDAY, December 7, 1807.
THE house met. Present the same members as on Saturday. The proceedings of Saturday were read.
Mr. Holbrook and Mr. Forwood appear in the house.
The resolution in favour of John Barnes, clerk of Charles county court, and the bill authorising Alexis
Boone, late sheriff of Prince-George's county, to complete his collection, were sent to the senate by the
Mr. Stevens, Mr. P. Spencer and Mr. Streett, have leave of absence.
A memorial from Letitia Crookshanks, of Caecil county, praying that a suit brought upon the bond of Patrick
Hamilton, and her late husband, as security, may be dismissed upon her paying the costs of suit, was preferred,
read, and referred to Mr. T. Moffit, Mr. Cox and Mr. Hawkins, to consider and report thereon.
ORDERED, That Mr. W. H. Brown be excused from serving on the committee appointed to bring in a bill for
the encouragement of learning, and that Mr. Belt be added to the said committee.
The following resolution was read.
RESOLVED, That ——— thousand dollars be reserved and retained, out of any unappropriated money in the
treasury, to be applied, in such manner as the legislature shall by law direct, for the use and benefit of county
schools in this state for the education of poor children.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act to restrain the evil practices
arising from negroes keeping dogs, and to prohibit them from carrying guns or offensive weapons. ORDERED,
That Mr. Kerr, Mr. Seth and Mr. Cox, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of the town of Belle-Air, in Harford county, praying a law may pass pre-
venting hogs from going at large therein, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Davis, Mr. Forwood and
Mr. Ayres, to consider and report thereon.
A petition from Henry Peters, of Baltimore county, praying that the road binding on the south side of Lang-
ley Land, may be declared a public highway, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Little, Mr. Harryman
and Mr. T. Dorsey, to consider and report thereon.
A petition from Joseph Howard and others, representatives of Brice Howard, deceased, stating that the said
Brice Howard paid into the treasury under the act for calling out of circulation the quota of this state of the
tills of credit issued by congress, a sum equal to £. 70 16 8, the certificate of which payment has been lost,
and praying that the same may be paid to them, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. T. Dorsey, Mr. Little
and Mr. Steuart, to consider and report thereon.
On motion, Leave, given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to provide for the discharge of insolvent debtors
in Baltimore county. ORDERED, That Mr. T. Dorsey, Mr. Little and Mr. C.. Dorsey, be a committee to pre-
pare and bring in the same.