By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 2, 1807.
Gentlemen of the Senate,
WE propose to proceed, on Wednesday next, to the election of two directors on the part of this state in the
Farmers Bank of Maryland; and to regulate said election we have adopted the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the two directors to be appointed on the part of this state in the Farmers Bank of Mary-
land, be elected by ballot, one of whom shall be a resident of the city of Annapolis or of Anne-Arundel county,
upon the western shore, and the other a resident of the town of Easton or Talbot county, upon the eastern
shore; and that the person resident on the western shore as aforesaid, having a majority of ballots of all the
attending members of both branches of the legislature, shall be a director of the Farmers Bank of Maryland,
and the person resident on the eastern shore, having a majority of ballots of all the attending members of
both branches of the legislature, shall be a director of the Branch Bank of said Farmers Bank of Maryland;
and the persons having a majority of ballots as aforesaid, shall be declared duly elected as aforesaid.
By order, J. BREWER, clk.
The bill for the relief of Robert Leatherbury, late sheriff of Somerset county; was read the second time, and,
on motion, the question was put, That the same be withdrawn? Determined in the negative.
The question was then put, Shall the said bill pass? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
W. H. Brown, C. D. Hodges, Rogerson, King, Callis, Sturgis, Shriver, Darne,
Hopewell, O Williams, Kerr, Frazier, B Hodges, Robins. Streett, Hav,
W. Moffitt, Merriken, P. Spencer, Henry, Shaaff, Dashiell, Ayres, Linthicum,
Gale, of Kent, Blake, Ss: h, Mitchell, J. E. Spencer, Biggs, Bayard, Tomlinson,
Welch, Emerson, Stevens, T. Moffit, Sudler, Hawkins, Tabbs, Greenwell,
Brice, Stone, Jackson, Porter, J. Williams,, Kuhn, Carroll, Briscoe. 51.
Belt, C. Dorsey, Winder,
Little, M. Brown, Davis, T. Dorsey, Steuart, Bowles, Schnebly, Gabby. 11,
Harryman, Ennalls, Jump,
So it was resolved in the affirmative. —
Which hill was sent to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Anne-Arundel county, praying for a public road from the Priest's Bridge,
on Patuxent river, by Philip H. Hopkins's mill, and from thence throughout the lands of Cornelius Duvall and
John Duvall, then through Mrs. Rachel Hall's farm, to intersect the great road leading from Annapolis to the
Governor's Budge, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. O. Williams, Mr. C. D. Hodges and Mr. Belt, to
consider and report thereon.
The bill authorising Benjamin Ray, We sheriff and collector of Montgomery county, to complete his collec-
tion, was read the second time and passed.
The clerk of the senate delivers the resolution in favour of William Amos, endorsed, " dissented from. " And
the following message:
By the SENATE, December 1, 1807.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates
WE have dissented from your resolution in favour of William Amos, senior, of Harford county, and propose
the following resolution to be originated in your house, to which the senate will assent.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore credit the bond of Abraham Jarrett, William Amos, Jun.
and Thomas Caldwell, to the state of Maryland, with the sum of one hundred and five pounds two shillings and
eleven-pence, and pay to William Amos, sen. of Harford county, or order, the sum of nine pounds fourteen
shillings and eleven-pence halfpenny, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
By order, T. ROGERS, clk.
Which was read.
Also the bill to incorporate the stockholders of the Hagar's-town Bank, the supplement to an act to establish a
bank, and incorporate a company, under the name of The Farmers Bank of Maryland, and for other purposes,
the bill for the benefit of Margaretta Chalmers, and the bill for the benefit of the vestry of the German evan-
gelic lutheran congregation in and about Elizabeth-town, at Saint-John's church, in Washington county, seve-
rally endorsed, " will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed.
Also the following message:
By the SENATE, December 1, 1807.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates
WE concur with your resolution regulating the election of two directors on the part of this state in the Union
Bank of Maryland, and agree to go into the election on the day proposed in your message. Thomas Dickson,
Alexander Rogers, John W. Glenn and Samuel Wright, are put in nomination by the senate, and we have ap-
pointed Mr. Partridge and Mr. Dorsey, to join the gentlemen that may be nominated by you to examine the
By order, T. ROGERS, clk..
Which was read.