The bill. to fix and establish the pay of the adjutant-general and brigade inspectors, the bill authorising the
levy court of Washington county to appoint commissioners to review the road therein mentioned, the bill to
provide for the transcribing of certain land records in Prince-George's county, and for making out an alphabet to
the same, the bill for the preservation of the navigation of the north-west branch of Nanticoke river, in Dor-
chester county, the bill for the preservation of the navigation, of Cabin creek, in Dorchester county, the bill
authorising the court of chancery to decree in the case therein mentioned, the resolution in favour of the exa-
miner-general, and the resolution relative to the militia law, were sent to the senate by the clerk.
The report of the committee on the petition of Bennett Hamilton and Charles Sewell, was read the second
time, and the question put, That the following words be stricken out of the resolution therein contained?
and that they the said Bennett Hamilton and Charles Sewell, be and they are hereby empowered and permitted
to take out an execution or executions for the. sum of money already by them paid, in the same manner that
they might or could have clone if they had paid the whole of the debt to the said state against the said Charles
Mankin, and the other securities of the said Charles Mankin. " Determined in the negative.
The question was then put, That the house concur with the said report, and assent to the resolution therein
contained? Resolved in the affirmative.
The house resumed the consideration of the bill to prevent far a limitted time the sale of lands or tenements,,
goods or chattels, on writs of execution, and for other purposes therein mentioned; which being read through-
out, the question was put, Shall the said bill pass? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
W. H. Brown, Merriken, M. Brown, Henry, Callis, Sturgis, Ayres, Steuart.
Gardiner, Emerson, Kerr, Mitchell, B. Hodges, Robins, Davis, Darne,
Welch, Reynolds, Stevens, Cox, Muir, Dashiell, Holbrook, Ray,
Brice, Stone, Dennis, T. Moffit, J. E Spencer, Hawkins, Bayard, Tomlinson,,
Belt, Green, Ennalls, Porter, Sudler, Forwood, Jump, Greenwell,
C. D. Hodges, Harryman, Frazier, Hall, J. Williams, Streett, Boon,. Briscoe. 42
O. Williams,
C. Dorsey, King, Shaaff, Kuhn, T. Dorsey, Bowles, Tabbs, Gabby. 9.
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
On the second reading of the bill for the benefit of the representatives of Josiah P. Proctor, of Baltimore
county, deceased, the question was put, That the further, consideration o£ the same. be. referred to the nex|
general assembly? Resolved in the affirmative..
The following resolution was read.
RESOLVED, That the chancellor be and he is hereby authorised to consider and decree upon the claim of John
Smith, Brooks, for payment of a depreciation certificate issued by Christopher Richmond, late auditor of the
state, to George Wilson, late a soldier in the ———regiment of the Maryland line, on the seventeenth day of
June, seventeen hundred and eighty-four, which said certificate is alleged by the state to have been fraudulently
obtained; and that the attorney-general be called upon by the chancellor to attend at the hearing of said case,
then and there to shew cause, if any he may have, why the state should not pay to the said John Smith-Brooks,
. bearer and owner of said certificate, the amount of principal and interest of said certificate; and should the
decree of the chancellor be in favour of the said John Smith Brooks, that then and in such case the treasurer
of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised to receive the said certificate, and to apply the same, prin-
cipal and interest, to the credit of the said John Smith Brooks on his bond in the treasury.
The house, according to the order of the day, proceeded to the second reading of the further additional sup-
plement to the act, entitled, An act to erect Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, into a city, and to incorpo-
rate the inhabitants thereof; which being read throughout, the question was put, Shall the said bill pass? The
yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
Welch, Little, Dennis, J. Williams, Hawkins, Ayres, Jump. Cabby,
Brice, M. Brown,. Henry, Sturgis, Kuhn, Davis,. Boon,. Tomlinson,
Belt, Kerr, Cox, Robins, Forwood, Holbrook, T. Dorsey, Greenwell,
O. Williams, Seth, T. Moffitt,. Dashiell, Streett,. Bayard, Steuart, Briscoe.. 35.
Merriken, Stevens,. Porter,,
Gardiner, Emerson, Stone, Green, Ennalls, Callis, Bowles, Darne,
C. O. Hodges, Reynolds,. C. Dorsey, Rogerson, Frazier, Shaaff, Tabbs, Linthicum. 16.
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
On motion, the question was put, That the house dispense with the 16th rule; thereof? Resolved in the affir-
The clerk of the senate delivers the bill for the preservation of the navigation of Cabin creek, the bill au-
thorising the sale of five thousand tickets in a lottery of the state of Pennsylvania for the encouragement of
useful arts, the bill for the relief of Edward Henry, of Worcester county, and the further additional supple-
ment to the act, entitled, An act for amending, and reducing into system, the laws and regulations concerning
last wills and testaments, the duties of executors, administrators and guardians, and the rights of orphans and
Other representatives of deceased persons, severally, endorsed, " will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed. The