ORDERED, That the bill, entitled, An act relating to the equity jurisdiction of the several county courts of
this state, be published with the votes and proceedings of this general assembly for the consideration of the
A memorial from the president, managers and company, of the Falls Turnpike road, counter to the petition
of the president and managers of the Baltimore and Reister's-town Turnpike Road Company, was preferred
read, and ordered to lie on the table.
The report on the petition of George Fitzhugh, of Baltimore county, was read the second time, and the
question put, That the house concur with the said report, and assent to the resolution therein contained. Re-
solved in the affirmative.
Mr. P. Stuart, from the committee delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Robert Couden Stone, on behalf of himself, and Eli-
za Stone, Anne Stone and Thomas Stone, children of John H. Stone, Esquire, late deceased, report, that they
have considered the same, and are of opinion that relief should be granted them agreeably to the following re-
solution, which they submit.
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Robert Couden Stone, on behalf of
himself, and Eliza Stone, Anne Stone and Thomas Stone, children of John H, Stone, Esquire, late deceased,
that the said John H. Stone has paid into the treasury of the western shore the sum of thirteen hundred and
sixty pounds and two-pence, for proclamation land warrants obtained under an act of assembly, passed at No-
vember session, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, chapter eighty-eight, and that, by the operation of an act
of assembly, passed at November session, eighteen hundred and four, chapter seventy-five, all the land, so as
aforesaid proclamated, reverted to the state, in consequence of the said John H. Scone having failed to pay the
full composition required on the same, by a payment of which a title to the said land might lave been se-
cured to himself or his children: And whereas the said petitioners have prayed, that the sum of money, so
paid into the treasury, should be refunded, or some other relief granted us might seem reasonable and proper,
so that they might be benefitted by the payment aforesaid; and this general assembly, finding the facts to be
therein correctly stated, and willing to gratify the prayer of the said petitioners, so far as to grant to them
land warrants in Allegany county to the amount of the sum so as aforesaid paid into the treasury as composition,
money on the said land; therefore RESOLVED, That the register of the land-office of the western shore be and
he is hereby authorised and directed to grant to the said Robert Couden Stone, Eliza Stone, Anne Stone and
Thomas Stone, children of John H. Stone, Esquire, deceased, a warrant or warrants for ten thousand eight
hundred and eighty acres of land in Allegany county, upon the said Robert Couden Stone, Eliza Stone, Anne
Stone and Thomas Stone, paying to the said register the fees of office for the same.
By order, L. GASSAWAY, clk.
Which was read.
The clerk of the senate delivers the resolution in favour of Thomas Jackson and Henry Haskins, endorsed
"assented to. " The bill authorising Nathaniel Rochester, late sheriff and collector of Washington county, to
complete his collection, the bill to make public a road in Prince-George's county, the bill to compel justices of
the peace to take cognizance of persons retailing spirituous liquors without licence in the recess of court, and
for other purposes, the; bill to lay out and open a road near the Three Bridges in Caroline county, and the sup-
plement to the act for the relief of the poor in Talbot county, severally endorsed "will pass. " Ordered to be
engrossed. And the supplement to an act, entitled, An act relative to the administration of justice in this
state, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein mentioned, endorsed " will not pass. "
Mr. Little, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act for the benefit of Elizabeth
Webster, of the city of Baltimore; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Bowles, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act for the benefit of the con-
gregation of Salem's church, in Washington county; which was read the first, time and ordered to lie on the table.
The bill to lay out and open a road in Washington county, was read the second time and passed.
ORDERED, That, the resolution relative to the Reister's-town turnpike road have a second reading on Wed-
nesday next.
Mr. Porter, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to lay out and open a road
from the Bald Friar ferry, on Susquehanna river, to the Pennsylvania line; which was read the firs: time and
ordered to lie on the table.
ORDERED, Thai the report on the memorial of the governor and directors of 'the Susquehanna canal, and the
bill authorising the state under certain restrictions to become a stockholder in the Chesapeake and Delaware
canal, have a second reading on Wednesday next.
ORDERED, That the resolution relative to the penitentiary have a second reading on to-morrow.
The house resumed the consideration of the bill for the encouragement of learning in this state, and for other
purposes, and, on motion, That the following be inserted after the third clause, to wit: " And be it enacted, _
That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed to pay annually, in quar-
terly payments, to the visitors and governors of Saint-John's college, and their successors, the sum of ————
dollars, as a donation of this state te the said college, " the question was put, That the house adjourn? Deter-
mined in the negative.