17. Conferrees, and members appointed on draughts, if required by three members, shall be elected by ballot,
and the number shall in no case exceed seven.
18. No bill or resolve shall have a second reading until every member in the city be called upon to attend,
except he be excused by the house for indisposition, or necessary attendance on the public business.
19. No petition, memorial, or other application to the house, shall be received, unless presented by a member.
20. All questions of order shall be determined by the speaker, but there may be an appeal by any member to
the house from the decision, and the determination of the house in such cases of appeal shall be final.
21. No motion shall be made after the hour of adjournment without leave of the house.
22. All misdemeanors which shall happen in the house shall be censured or fined by the house.
23. No member shall answer on the yeas and nays who did not divide on the question, and if any member
divides on one side, and answers on the other on the yeas and nays, the same shall be noted on the journal at
the request of any member.
24. All fines imposed by the house shall be paid to the clerk, and applied as the house shall direct.
25. The substance of all petitions, memorials, or other applications, shall be entered on the journal.
26. The clerk of the house shall, during the first week of the session, put into the hands of the speaker a
correct list of all papers referred from the preceding session.
27. On motion or debate any member may call for the reading any law, journal, record or other public pro-
ceeding, which may relate to the subject matter.
28. No member shall take out of the house any bill, or other paper belonging to the house, without the leave
cf the speaker, under the penalty of such fine as may be imposed by the speaker, not exceeding forty shillings.
29. No member shall nominate more than one person on any committee, and, in making such, nomination shall
rise, and address himself to the speaker.
30. On an election to any office of trust or profit, no ballot shall be counted unless the person for whom the
ballot shall be given be named to the house before the ballotting be gone into.
31. All the members present shall divide on every question, unless excused by the house, or on calling the
yeas and nays his refusal shall be noted on the journal at the request of any member.
32. Whenever a motion shall be made, or question propounded to the house, and not seconded, no other business
shall be received until the speaker shall inform the house that the motion or proposition. first made is not seconded.
33. No motion for reconsideration shall be permitted,, unless made and seconded by two members who were
in the majority on the original question.
34. When a blank is to be filled up, and different sums, numbers or times, shall be proposed, the question
shall be first taken on the largest sum or number, and on the latest time.
35. When the house adjourns, every member shall rise in his place, and remain until the speaker go forth.
36. Every committee shall have leave to report by bill or otherwise.
37. When the house are equally divided on any question, tile same shall be decided by the speaker.
All which is submitted
By order, L. GASSAWAY, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order and concurred with.
Mr. Chapman, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report
THE committee of elections and privileges report, that they have inspected the returns of the judges of
elections for the several counties and for the city of Baltimore, and of the mayor and aldermen of the city of
Annapolis, and find, that by the said returns the following persons are elected, declared and duly returned, as
members of the house of delegates, to wit: For Saint-Mary's county, William Hebb, William H. Brown, Tho-
mas Gardiner and Thomas Blackistone, Esquires; for Kent county, Richard Frisby, Gideon Pearce, Benjamin
Hanson and Cornelius Comegys, Esquires. for Anne-Arundel county, John Sprigg Belt, Richard Merriken,
Osborn Williams and. Charles D. Hodges, Esquires; for Charles county, Philip Stuart, Henry H. Chapman,
George D. Parnham and William H. M'Pherson, Esquires; for Baltimore county, Tobias E. Stansbury, Peter
Little, Moses Brown and George Harryman, Esquires; for Talbot county, David Kerr, junior, Solomon Dick-
inson, Thomas Skinner Denny and Edward Martin,. Esquires; for Somerset county, John Gale, Levin Winder,
George W. Jackson and Robert J. King, Esquires; for Dorchester county, John Smoot, Solomon Frazier,
George Ward and Robert Dennis, Esquires; for Caecil county, John. J. Cox, James Leiper Porter, Thomas
Moffit and George E. Mitchell, Esquires; for Prince-George's county, Benjamin Hodges, Francis M. Hall,
Henry A. Callis and Thomas Woodward, Esquires; for the city of Annapolis, Arthur Shaaff and John Muir,
Esquires; for Queen-Anne's county, William Sudler, William Gleaves, John Ruth Downes and John Brown,
of Joel, Esquires; for Worcester county, Zadock Sturgis, John Bishop, Stephen White and John Dashiell,
Esquires; fer Frederick county, Thomas Hawkins, Joab, Waters, Henry Kuhn and Benjamin Biggs, Esquires;
for Harford county, John Street, John Forwood, John C, Bond and Elijah Davis, Esquires; for Caroline coun-
ty, Peregrine F. Bayard, John Keene, Alemby Jump and White Turpin, Esquires; for the city of Baltimore,
Edward Aisquith and Robert Steuart, Esquires.; for Washington county, John Bowles, Tench Ringgold, Martin
Kershner and David Schnebly, Esquires; for Montgomery county, William Carroll, Richard Key Watts, Brice
Selby and William Darne, Esquires; for Allegany county, Upton Bruce, Hanson Briscoe, Aza Beall and
George Rizer, Esquires.