W. H. Brown, Chapman. Martin, King, Dennis, J. Brown, Dashiell, Jump.
Frisby, Kerr, Gale. Smoot, Sudler, Sturgis, Davis, Turpin,
Pearce, Dickinson, Winder, Frazier, Gleaves, Bishop, Bayard, Watts,
Comegys. Denny, Jackson, Ward, Downes, White, Keene Selby. 22.
Gardiner, Blake, M. Brown, Mitchell, Woodward, Waters, Aisquith, Carroll,
Blakistone, Emerson, Harryman, B. Hodges, Shaaff, Kuhn, R. Steuart, Darne,
Belt, Parnham, Cos, Hall, Hawkins, Forwood, Bowles. Briscoe.
Merriken, M'Pherson, Porter. Callis, Biggs, Bond, Schnebly, Rizer. 35.
Williams, Little, Moffit,
So it was determined an the negative.
On motion, the question was put, That leave be given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act relating to the high
court of chancery, and the equity jurisdiction of the several county courts of this state? Resolved in the affir-
The house proceeded to ballot for a committee to prepare and bring in the. same; the ballots being deposited
in the ballot box, the gentlemen named to strike retired, and after sometime returned and reported, that Mr.
Watts, Mr. Frisby, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Shaaff, Mr. Little and Mr. Briscoe, were elected.
The clerk of the senate delivers the bill for the benefit of William, Mary, Elizabeth, Levin and Britanna
Murphy, of Dorchester county, endorsed " will not pass. " And the bill authorising John Evans, lames Cock-
ran and Joseph Phillips, securities of Samuel Cowdon, late sheriff of Caecil county, to complete the collection
of said sheriff, endorsed, " on reconsideration will pass with the proposed amendments; " which amendment
were read the fist and second time, agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed.
Mr. Thomas Reynolds, a delegate returned for Calvert county, appeared, and after qualifying in the mode
prescribed by the constitution and form of government, and taking an oath to support the constitution,? the
United States, took his seat in the house.
The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
SATURDAY, November 29, 1806.
THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Street appears in the house. Mr. Upton Bruce, a delegate returned for Allegany county, appeared, and
after qualifying in the mode prescribed by the constitution and form of government, and taking an oath to sup-
port the constitution of the United States, took his seat in the house.
Mr. Chapman, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee of elections and privileges report, that they have examined and inspected the return of the
judges of election for Culvert county, on an election held by the said judges in virtue of a warrant from the ho-
nourable Speaker of the house of delegates, for the purpose of electing a fourth delegate to represent Calvert
county in this general assembly, and find from said return that Thomas Reynolds, Esquire, is duly elected and
returned a delegate for said county. All which is submitted.
By order, L. GASSAWAY, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order and concurred with.
A petition from Nicholas Leaman, of Frederick county, stating, that a deed from Andrew Weigert was ex-
ecuted to Jacob Leaman, by mistake, instead of the petitioner, and praying that the clerk of Frederick county
court may be authorised to correct the same, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Biggs, Mr. Water and
Mr. Kuhn, to consider and report thereon.
On motion, ORDERED, That the committee of claims allow to Thomas Reynolds, Esquire, a member of this
house, for his attendance in the city of Annapolis, commencing on Monday the 24th instant.
Mr. Emerson, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act for the relief of George
Washington Sykes; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
On motion, the question was put, That leave be given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to tax bachelor
and bank stock for the education of poor children in the several counties in this state? The yeas and nays being
required, appeared as follow:
W H, Brown, Blake, King, Moffit, J. Brown, Street, R. Steuart, Bruce,
Gardiner, Lyles, Smoot, Mitchell, Bishop,. Forwood, Bowles, Briscoe,
Pearce, M. Brown, Frazier, Woodward, White, Davis, Watts, Beall,
Comegys, Kerr, Ward, Gleaves, Waters, Bayard, Darne Rizer. 27
Williams, Denny, Porter, Downes, Kuhn,
Frisby, Reynolds, M'Pherson, Jackson, Shaaff, Hawkins. Aisquith, Carroll.
Merriken, Chapman, Martin, Dennis, Sudler, Turpin. Schnebly, Selby 21
Emerson, Parnham, Winder, Callis, Dashiell,
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
ORDERED, That Mr. Denny, Mr. Smoot and Mr. Rizer, be a committee to prepare and bring in the said bill.