tant an object, in which the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania are so materially interested. The committee
nutter themselves with the hope, that that state, whose inhabitants will be more especially accommodated with
a safe, cheap and expeditious way to market, will double the sum this state may apply. The committee there-
fore submit the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the sum of twenty thousand dollars be appropriated, out of any monies that may come into
the treasury during the current year, exceeding prior appropriations and the current expences of government,
towards opening and clearing the bed of the river Susquehanna, from the line of this stats to the town of Co-
lumbia in the state of Pennsylvania, provided the state of Pennsylvania, during their present session, shall
appropriate the sum of forty thousand dollars towards the same object, the money to be laid out under the su-
perintendence of such person or persons us the executives of the two states may appoint.
The committee further report, that by the proceedings of the congress of the United States, it appears to
be in contemplation by the United States to open a road from Cumberland, in the state of Maryland, to the
state of Ohio. The state of Maryland, in the opinion of the committee, will, in a considerable degree, be
deprived of the benefits that might be derived from such a road, unless the land communication from Cumberland
to intersect or meet one of the great turnpike roads from Baltimore is made more convenient than the present
roads afford.
Without public aid, your committee are of opinion, those roads will not materially be mended. The appli-
cation of a sum of money to this purpose would, in the opinion of the committee, be adviseable, and leave
ought to be given to bring in a bill for this purpose.
By order, L. GASSAWAY, clk.
Which was read.
ORDERED, That the same have a second reading on Tuesday next.
Mr. Montgomery, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to grant to Caleb
Johnson, Hezekiah Johnson and Richard Britton, an exclusive right to work and use carding machines on the
western shore of this state for the time therein limitted; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on
the table.
The clerk of the senate delivers the resolution in favour of Jacob Workman, endorsed, "assented to. " The
resolution in favour of Robert Halkerstone, endorsed, " dissented from. " And the following message:
BY THE SENATE, January 15, 1806.
WE agree to proceed immediately to ballot for a person to be recommended as register of wills for Saint-
Mary's county, as proposed in your message of this day, No person is put in nomination by the senate in ad-
dition to the gentlemen nominated by your house. Mr. Thomas and Mr. T. Johnson are appointed to join the
gentlemen named by you in counting the bollots.
By order, T. W. HALL, clk.
The following resolutions were read, viz.
Whereas it is represented, by the petition of Jesse Jarrett, of Harford county, that the late intendant of the
revenue, in a sale of land made to him, included a tract of land called Norfolk, containing three hundred and
seventy acres, before sold to a certain Robert Mooberry, which land has been recovered from the said Jesse
Jarrett, after he obtained a patent for the same, by a decree of the court of appeals: And whereas it is also
represented, by the petition aforesaid, that both the said Jesse Jarrett and the said Robert Mooberry, or his
assignee, have paid the state for the same, at the rate of four shillings current money per acre, with interest
thereon, and that the said Jesse Jarrett, by a decree of the chancellor, founded on a decree of the court of
appeals, has been compelled, and has conveyed to David West, of Harford county, the assignee of the said
Robert Mooberry, the aforesaid tract called Norfolk, which was comprehended within the purchase made by
said Jarrett of the intendant of the revenue, and for which land he the said Jarrett hath paid the state at the
rate of four shillings per acre, with interest thereon; therefore, RESOLVED, That the chancellor, on the ap-
plication of the said Jesse Jarrett, shall examine into the truth of the above allegations, and if in his opinion
the said Jarrett is entitled to relief, shall decree that the state of Maryland pay to him such sum or sums of
money as on a consideration of all circumstances, shall appear to the chancellor equitable and just.
AND RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the said Jarrett such sum or sums of money,
if any, as shall be directed to be paid by the chancellor to the said Jesse Jarrett, and agreeably to, and in con-
formity with, the directions of such decree.
Mr. Ogden, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to authorise the trustees of
the poor of Baltimore county to dispose of, in lots, the alms-house property of said county, and for other pur-
poses; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
ORDERED, That the printer to the state strike one hundred copies of the said bill for the use of the legislature.
The bill to enlarge the powers of the levy court of Baltimore county, and for other purposes, was read the
second time, and the question put, Shall the said bill pass? Resolved in the affirmative.
The house proceeded to ballot for a person to be recommended to the governor to be commissioned as regis-
ter of wills for Saint. Mary's county; the ballots being deposited in the ballot box, the gentlemen named to
strike retired, and after sometime returned and reported, that Edmund Key was elected. Whereupon,