The bill compelling the proprietors of lots binding on the water\at the west end of the bason in the city of Baltimore to extend and improve the same, the bill authorising the chancellor in certain cases to decree con- veyances for land, the title to which is in British subjects, the resolution directing the auditor to report in the case of William Amos, senior, and the resolution in favour of Daniel Sheredine,, were sent to the senate by the clerk.
The papers delivered by the clerk of the senate yesterday are as. follow:
The bill to appoint Elizabeth Crabb and Richard Orme, of Montgomery county, trustees for locating and transferring certain lands lying in Montgomery county, part of the real estate of the late Jeremiah Crabb, de- ceased, the bill to authorise Baltimore county coun to remove the case therein mentioned, the bill to empower the justices of the levy court of Saint-Mary's county to assess and levy annually a sum of money for the pur- pose therein mentioned, the bill for the benefit of Thomas Hodges and Eleanor Hodges, the infant children of James Hodges, late of Prince-George's county, deceased, and the bill for the benefit of Charles Thomas Clarke and William Hall, devisees of Benjamin Hall, late of Prince-George's county, deceased, severally endorsed, " will not pass. " The bill authorising the trustees of the poor of Prince-George's county to make an exchange of part of the lands belonging to said poor-house, the supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the establish- ment of a new public road in Somerset county, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety- eight, the bill to authorise James Rice and Mary Wolf to dispose of the lands therein mentioned, the bill to extend the powers of the trustees of the poor of Montgomery county, and the supplement to the act, entitled, An act to streighten part of the road in Harford county which leads from Underhill's mill to the city of Balti- more, severally endorsed, " will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed. And the additional supplement to an act, entitled. An act relating to negroes, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein mentioned, endorsed, " will pass with the proposed amendments; " which amendments were read.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to ascertain the mode of completing the title to purchasers of certain confiscated British property, and for other purposes. ORDERED, That Mr. Ellicott, Mr. Stephen and Mr. Shaaff, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
Petitions from James Clayland, of the city of Baltimore, and Bennet Wheeler, of Harford county, praying acts of insolvency, were preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed on petitions of a similar nature.
A petition from James Steuart, of the city of Baltimore, praying a law may pass authorising him to dispose of certain land, and vest the proceeds thereof in some productive fund for the benefit of his daughters, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Ellicott, Mr. Shaaff and Mr. Stephen, to consider and report thereon.
On motion, that the bill annulling the marriage of James Jones Wilmer, of Montgomery county, and Letitia his wife, now have a second reading, the question was put, That the further consideration of the same be postponed to the first day of June next? Resolved in the affirmative.
The, house resumed the consideration of the bill to provide for the erection of a new court-house for Balti- more county.
On motion, Leave given to withdraw the amendment last proposed.
On progression, the question was then put, That the following be inserted after the last amendment? viz.
" And be it enacted, That all the residue of the said lot, or so much thereof as the commissioners shall de- termine to be proper, not condemned as aforesaid, shall be valued by the commissioners, or a majority of them, and disposed of at such valuation to those persons who have built houses fronting upon such public ground, and that upon the payment of the price settled and ascertained by the commissioners as aforesaid, all the ground so purchased shall become the right and estate of the persons so purchasing, and their heirs, for ever, but in case the said persons shall not agree to take said property at the valuation herein directed to be made by the com- missioners, within six months from the time of such valuation being notified to them, then it shall and may be lawful for the levy court of Baltimore county to make any other disposition of the same which they may deem advantageous. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commissioners to account with, and pay over to, the levy court, the proceeds of the said sale, to be applied to the use and benefit of the said county. " Resolved in the affirmative.
On motion, the question was then put, That the following be inserted after the said amendment? viz. " And be it enacted, That the commissioners herein before named, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered! in case that they shall be of opinion that the site herein before fixed for said court-house shall not be the most eligible ground for building the same, they, or a majority of them, may change the same, and fix upon and purchase any other place or site for said building, within the city or precincts of Baltimore, which in their judgment they shall consider more eligible and proper for such building than that herein fixed upon; and in case the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall change the said site, then they, or a majority of them, are hereby further authorised and empowered to sell and dispose of the lot and ground on which the said court- house was herein before directed to be built, and to apply the amount of sales towards the purchase of the site or lot of ground they shall have purchased as aforesaid for erecting said building, and defraying other expences in erecting the same. " Resolved in the affirmative.
The bill being read throughout, the question was put, Will the house reconsider the first section ? Resolved in the affirmative.