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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1805
Volume 553, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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Watts, Mr. Frazier, Mr. Hyland and Mr. Prideaux. The proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Cockey
has leave of absence for a few days.

Petitions from William Bond, Charles Coffin, Perley P. Prichard, William Merryman, Gilbert Middleton,
Enoch Welsh, Thomas Meteer, Jonathan Edwards, Walter Muschett and Henry Steenhuis, of the city of
Baltimore, and Andrew Raburgh and John Maynor, of Queen-Anne's county, praying acts of insolvency, were
preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed on petitions of a similar nature.

A petition from Rinaldo Johnson and Elisha Berry, securities of Thomas Williams, former collector of
Prince-George's county, praying that they may be reimbursed the sum of £. 140 14 7, with interest thereon,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Contee, Mr. Van Horn and Mr. Shaaff, to consider and report thereon.

A petition from Henry Stevenson, of Baltimore county, praying that the justices of the levy court of Balti-
more may be authorised to levy a sum of money to be paid to the petitioner for feeding certain criminals while
sheriff of said county, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Harryman, Mr. Van-Horn and Mr. Lemmon,
to consider and report thereon.

On motion. Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act relative to vagrants in the city and precincts of
Baltimore. ORDERED, That Mr. Ellicott, Mr. Stephen and Mr. Carroll, be a committee to prepare and bring
in the same.

The bill, entitled, An act to authorise a lottery to raise a sum of money, for building a bridge over a branch
of Patuxent river, at or near the mill of John Crow, was read the second time, passed, and sent to the senate
by the clerk.

The bill, entitled, An act to authorise the drawing of a lottery for the benefit of Saint-Mary's college in
Baltimore county, was read the second time and passed.

Mr. Ennalls, from the committee, delivers the following report:

THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Thomas Jackson and Henry Haskins, of Dorchester
county, have considered the same, and are of opinion that the prayer thereof is reasonable and ought to be
granted; the following resolution is therefore submitted to the consideration of the house.

RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Thomas Jackson and Henry Haskins, and their securities, on judge-
ments obtained by this state against them for the purchase money due tins state on the fourth and last instal-
ment of the Choptank Indian lands, be and the same are hereby suspended and stayed until the twentieth day
of April, eighteen hundred and seven.

By order, N. MARTIN, clk.
Which was read.

Mr. Dorsey, from the committee delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to enable James Walker,
John Sprigg Belt and Archibald Dorsey, to complete the collection of the county tax in certain districts in Anne-
Arundel county; which was read the first and second time by especial order and passed.

A petition from Samuel Wright, of Queen-Anne's county, praying that a law passed in the year 1803, ex-
empting him from the operation of the act passed in the year 1789, and its several supplements, may be extend-
ed and continued, was preferred, read, and referred to Air. Sudler, Mt. Scott and Mr. Dickinson, to consider
and report thereon.

The following message was read and agreed to.

BY THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, December 4, 1805.

WE have appointed Mr. Van-Horn, Mr. Montgomery. Mr. Scott, Mr. Shaaff, Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Parn-
ham, a committee on the part of this house to join such gentlemen as may be appointed by you, to form a com-
mittee of both houses to compare and examine all bills from time to time, during this session, as soon as they
shall be severally engrossed.

By order, J. BREWER, clk.

Which, together with the bill to enable James Walker, and others, to complete the collection of the county
tax in curtain districts in Anne Arundel county, was sent to the senate by the clerk.

The bill, entitled, An act to vest temporary powers in the several clerks in the several counties of this state,
Was read the second time by especial order, passed, and sent to the Senate by the clerk.

Mr. Hebb, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to alter and repeal such parts
of the constitution and form of government of this state as relate to the division of Saint-Mary's county into
election districts: which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

On motion. Leave given to bring in a bill to regulate the inspection of lumber in the state of Maryland.
ORDERED. That Mr. Cottman, Mr. Bayly, Mr. Ellicott, Mr. Stephen and Mr. Smoot, be a committee to pre-
pare and bring in the same.

On motion, ORDERED, That the bill, entitled A further additional supplement to an act for marking and
bounding lands, be the order of the day for to-morrow.

On motion, ORDERED, That the bill relating to the jurisdiction of the high court of chancery, general court
and county courts, and for other purposes, be recommitted.

The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock..



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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1805
Volume 553, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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