Mr. Van-Horn, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to authorise a lottery to
raise a sum of money for building a bridge over a branch of Patuxent river, at or near the mill of John Crow;
which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Hawkins, from the committee of claims, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee of claims report, that they have considered the petition of Frederick Green, of the city of
Annapolis, printer, and they are of opinion that the accompanying certificates from professional men, who can-
not possibly be imagined to be interested in the case, evince that Mr. Green has. a fair claim on the public for
the sum of five hundred dollars, and that it ought to be paid; they therefore submit to the consideration of the
house the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay the sum of five hundred dollars, it being the balance
due to Frederick Green for printing the laws of Maryland, commonly known by the name of Kilty's Laws.
By order, N. MARTIN, clk.
Which was read.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to alter and repeal such parts of the constitution
and form of government of this state as relate to the division of Saint-Mary's county into election districts.
ORDERED, That Mr. Hebb, Mr. Neale and Mr. Chapman, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
On motion, the question was put, Will the house proceed to the consideration of the resolution relative to
the investment in the Farmers Bank of Maryland, agreeably to the order of the day? Resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put, That the consideration of the said resolution be postponed until Wednesday
next ? Determined in the negative.
The house proceeded to consider the same, and the question was put, -That the house assent to the said re-
solution ? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
Neale, Dorsey, Harryman, Ward, Contee, Bishop, Holbrook, Carroll,
Hebb, R. Mackall, Spencer, Smoot, Callis, Prideaux, Bayard, Selby,
Scott, Stuart, Lloyd, Cox, Muir, Hawkins, Turpin, Watts,
Hasson, Parnham, Dickinson, Henderson, Shaaff, Waters, Jump, Linthicum,
Hurtt, M'Pherson, Jackson, Moffit, Blake, Kuhn, Bowles, Tomlinson,
Gale, Chapman, Bayly, Porter, Gleaves, Ayres, Smith, Rizer,
Merriken, Ogden, Ennalls, Van-Horn, Sturgis, Street, Yates, Cresap. 58.
Mercer, Lemmon,
Messieurs Hyland, Sudler, Duer, Montgomery, Forwood, Ellicott, Stephen. 7.
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
The clerk of the senate delivers a letter from the executive, informing the legislature of the sale of the stock,
in the British funds; which was read and ordered to lie on the table.
On motion, ORDERED., That the communications from the executive to the president of the senate and to the
speaker of the house of delegates, relative to the sale of the stock of the state in the funds of England, and
also the letter of Samuel Chase, Esq; dated April 29, 1805, be published in the Maryland Gazette, the Ame-
rican, the Federal Gazette, the Republican Advocate, the Maryland Herald, the Frederick-town Herald, the
Abington Patriot, the Evening Post, the Telegraphe, the Washington Federalist, and the National Intelligencer.
Mr. Charles Gibson, a committee clerk, has leave of absence for a few days.
The clerk of the senate delivers the bill to authorise and empower the levy court of Worcester county to
levy annually a sum of money on the assessable property of said county for the purposes therein mentioned, en-
dorsed, "will pass with the proposed amendment; " which amendment was read the first and second time,
agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed. Also the bill to authorise the justices of the levy court of
Washington county to assess a sum of money on the taxable property of said county for the purpose therein
mentioned, endorsed "will pass; " ordered to be engrossed. And the bill to authorise and empower Samuel
Hooper, of Dorchester county, to convey the tract of land therein mentioned, endorsed " will not pass. "
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill authorising the instituting a branch or branches to the Farmers
Bank of Maryland. ORDERED, That Mr. Waters, Mr. Shaaff and Mr. Muir, be a committee to prepare and
bring in the same.
The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
TUESDAY, December 7, 1805.
THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday, except Mr. Leigh and Mr. Plater. The
proceedings of yesterday were read.
A petition from James Walker and John Sprigg Belt, of Anne-Arundel county, and Archibald Dorsey, of
the city of Baltimore, stating that there was considerable sums due them as securities of Robert Conn, late
deputy-collector, which could not be collected without legislative authority, and praying such relief as may be
thought reasonable, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Mercer and Mr. Stephen, to consi-
der and report thereon.