Neale, Dorsey, M'Pherson, Van-Horn, Callis, Ellicott, Carroll, Watts,
Plater, Stuart, Chapman, Hall, Muir, Stephen, Selby, Linthicum. 21.
Leigh, Parnham, Bayly, Contee, Hawkins,
Hurtt, Ogden, Dickinson, Porter, Sturgis, Forwood, Turpin, Smith,
Gale, Lemmon, Ennalls, Sudler, Bishop, Ayres, Jump, Yates,
Holland, Harryman, Cox, Gleaves, Montgomery, Bayard, Bowles, Rizer. 25.
R. Mackall,
So it was determined in the negative.
The clerk of the senate delivers the bill-to authorise a lottery within the city of Baltimore, and for other
purposes, endorsed, " will not pass. " The bill for the benefit of Hugh Anderson, of Montgomery county,
and the bill to provide for rendering passable through Baltimore county the public road leading from the city of
Baltimore by Belle-Air, in Harford county, to Peach Bottom Ferry, on the river Susquehanna, severally en-
dorsed, " will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed. The resolutions in favour of Ariana French, Henry Gassaway
and John Gibson, severally endorsed, " dissented from. " And the resolution in favour of the western shore
examiner, endorsed, " assented to. " Also the engrossed bills from No. 21 to 39, inclusive, and from 43 to 90,
inclusive, with the paper bills thereof, severally endorsed " read and assented to. "
The house proceeded to the second reading of the bill to restrain the evil practices arising from negroes keep-
ing dogs, and to prohibit negroes from carrying guns or offensive weapons; on progression, the question was
put. That the words " implements of agriculture and mechanism excepted, " be inserted after the word " wea-
pon" in the third clause ? Determined in the negative.
On motion, the question was put, That the further consideration of the same be referred to the next gene-
ral assembly ? Determined in the negative.
On motion, the question was then put, That the following be inserted at the end of the bill ? " provided,
that nothing in this act shall extend to prevent any free negro or mulatto from carrying a gun or other offensive
weapon, who shall, at the time of carrying the same, have a certificate from a justice of the peace that he is
an orderly and peaceable person, which certificate shall be in force for one year from the date thereof, and no
longer. " Resolved in the affirmative.
The bill being read throughout, the question was put, Shall the said bill pass ? The yeas and nays being re-
quired, appeared as follow:
Neale, Dorsey, Dickinson, Van-Horn, Shaaff, Bishop, Ayres, Stephen,
Plater, R Mackall, Jackson, Hall, Sudler, Montgomery, Bayard, Smith,
Leigh, M'Pherson, Ennalls, Contee, Gleaves, Forwood, Jump, Linthicum. 27.
Gale, Chapman, Cox,
Hurtt, Harryman, Ward, Porter, Turpin, Bowles, Carroll, Tomlinson,
Parnham, Bayly, Smoot, Sturgis, Ellicott, Yates, Selby, Rizer. 17.
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
Which bill was sent to the senate by the clerk.
Mr. Contee, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to appoint commissioners to
lay out anew the town of Nottingham, in Prince-George's county, and for other purposes therein mentioned;
which was read the first and second time by especial order, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
Mr. Montgomery, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the resolutions of the legislature of the states of North-Carolina and
Massachusetts, report, that they have given the same due deliberation, and are of opinion that as congress will
have by the constitution the power of prohibiting the importation of slaves in the year eighteen hundred and
eight, it will be unnecessary at this late period to interfere to obtain an alteration of the constitution, which
can only have operation for a short intervening time between that of the adoption of the alteration and the
commencement of the powers of congress on this subject; they therefore submit the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That it is unnecessary and inexpedient for the legislature of this state to assent to an amendment
of the constitution of the United States prohibiting the importation of slaves, as proposed by the legislatures
of North-Carolina and Massachusetts, as the period has nearly arrived when the congress of the United States,
will be vested with constitutional jurisdiction to legislate upon the subject, and to carry the object of the amend-
ment into effect, if in their wisdom the public safety shall require it.
RESOLVED, That the governor be and he is hereby requested to transmit the aforegoing resolution to the go-
vernors of the states of North-Carolina and Massachusetts.
By order, J. GOLDER, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order, and, on motion, leave given to withdraw the
same for amendment.
ORDERED, That the committee of claims allow Thomas Rogers, assistant clerk of the senate, the sum of
fifty dollars, as a Further compensation for his services during the present session.