backe bone, it growes as high as a Cherry tree in the top
from the very middle pith springeth a purple sheath like a
sugar loafe full of blossomes, which with its weight turnes
the head dounward and then comes thereon the fruit in a
cluster like and hundred cucubers together, but being ripe
yellow coloured and somewhat bigger, they are of curious
taste like Marmalate and much of that temper, very delight-
full fit to pserve, bake, or eat rawe. The potato root is of
the very same colour skinne and figure of artichooke rootes,
but in taste and temper much like a carrot, but farre more
excellent: here is the Cinnamon tree, the Aualto tree the rope
tree, which from the top sendeth out long suckers, which take
root in the ground and so spread ouer large places, the wilde
figge tree, the Maw forest tree which is poison; the monkey
tree bearing fruit, a plaine and pfect munkeys face, and
many others: foule I see little, save some few pigeons stoc-
doues, and some others, vines will not grew there, the place
is a plaine ground, growne ouer wch trees and vndershrubs
without passage, except where the planters have cleared, some
few Catholiques there be both English and Irish, here we
staied from January 3 to the 24th by which meanes we came
to enioy againe our pinnace, wch not knowing of our comeing
was guided, to our soe great comfort as if that day we had
beene reuived to life againe: for before we saw her in the
harbour we gaue her for lost in that hideous storme: herein
gods mercy was shewed towards vs, and noe lesse again in
staying vs here till the Spanish ships, in number fiue, were
gone out of our way: for soe it happened, five great Spanish
men of warre came to scoure the Charybbian Coaste, and
make prize of whomesoever they saw saile, beyond the grave
Meridian or tropicke: and had beene those very dayes before
St Christophers, where findeing 2 small english barkes, and 2