and such other fruite there are but not in any great plentie
as yet; another fruit I saw called guaueos, in taste like
quinches, in colour like gould, in figure like the smallest
lemmons, a fruit very gratefull to taste; another there is like
vnto these called Papares, ouer sweet and luscious, which
they vse to eat boiled with other meate. But the rarest of
all other that I thinke is in the world, is the Charybbian
Pineaple, of the colour of gould, mixed with an orient greene,
bigge as three Spanish pineaples, and of the same figure
externall to the eie, saue that the worke of this is more pfect,
it is not hard to peele, but of softe and thinne skinne, of
delitious taste not haueing one membranula or kernell, but all
from highest part to lowest, cleane through equally dainty
to taste, it beares in the toppe a Crowne of its owne leaues
curiously compacte, and well it may for sure it is the queene
of all meat fruits without exception, the taste, as neere as I
can expresse it is an Aromaticall compound of wine and
strawberries, and a better thing then this of Soueraigne
efficacy to preserue health, and so well tempered to mans
bodie as though it would consume a knife put thereing any
time, there is nothing more restoritiue: it growes from a
thing like a Spanish thistle, one onely on euery roote, but the
leafe hath noe prickles, but a curious peake about its edges:
in fine I wish one of them in your hande with this paper, for
nothing can express it but it selfe: there is another speciall
fruit called a plantaine, singular for pleasant and delightfull
tast, fructus platani as in latine they terme it the tree is but a
leguminous substance, to the hight and thicnesse of a tree of
thicknesse of ones thigh, the leaues which are onely in the
toppe for its ribbats are commonly a yard or more in length,
and more then a quarter brood decently seamed with veines
runneing like ribbs from the thicke in the middle as from the