was gouernour, and in his absence Mr. Acers his brother in
law was deputie: here we arriued Januar: the 3 hopeinge for
some refreshinge by conuenient good dyet some few dayes,
but in part we were deceiued for euery thing bore so high
price, that nothing could be had, but it Cost vs our eies, a
pigge six weekes old was at 51 sterling a turke 50s and
a chicken at 6s beefe or mutton they haue none, and the
inhabitants live wholy vpon poane (that Indian bread) and
homine, and potato roote which they have in such plentie as
they will giue Cart loades to almost any for the fetching
The gouernour told vs at first, corne was at 1s the bushell,
but vnderstanding that we came for corne he called a Counsell
and decreed there should none be sould vs vnder 2s a bushell,
and soe we found him a kinde kinsman of Mr. Hawleyes,
other poore passages we had from not worth recountinge:
at our arrivall here we vnderstood the Spanish fleet was at
Bonauista to hinder all strangers from salt, and it being
beyond the tropicke to make prize of them here therefore
we admired the puidence of god in ptecting vs from that
danger: but from a farre great at Barbadoes, the very day
we arriued, we found the Iland all in armes to the number of
about 800 men, the seruants of the Iland had conspired to
kill their masters and make themselues free, and then hand-
somely to take the first ship that came, and soe goe to sea,
this first ship was ours and therefore it was the goodnesse of
god to discover the treason by a seruant who was affraid to
Joine in the plott with them, the ringleaders were 2 brothers
named Weatons Westerne men, whereof one was put to death
but the other saued by means of friends, God be praised for
this our deliverance. This is one of the 12 Charybbian
Ilands which runne vp like a bow in the baye of Mexico,
some 30 miles long, and 15 broad, 13 degrees from the line,