Canaries our gouernour begunne to bee sollicitous for fraight
homeward, fearinge we should come to late for it to Virginia,
and likewise that the Virginians wd stand but our heauie
freinde, though the could phaps furnish vs in that kinde
after talke had with the commissioners and gentlemen, resolu-
tion was made to beare vp to Bonauista directly south, and
an Iland right against Angola, on the Coast of Affrique 14
degrees from the line whither the Hollander since the losse
of St Martines vseth to goe for salt, thence carrieing it to
Newfoundland to make fish: this Iland abounds with goats,
haueing in it none inhabitante but some 40 or 50 Portiugalls
banished thither for crimes committed by them both the salt
for fraight, and goates for fresh food inuited vs thither
though if the yeare were wet, as it had beene the yeare afore
noe salt can be made: we had not gone full 200 miles, when
the Commissioners seeing all the commodity redounded to my
Lrd, and that their land puision was like to be spent by this
circuit, caused the gouernour to question the purser what
puision of bread was aboard, and findeing it short we altered
againe our course to S' Christophers, and soe began to thinke
at what season we were like to come to Maryland, and how
we should pcure our seed corne, as for Virginia we expected
little from them but blows, although we carried the kings
letters to their Gouernour, and the governour himselfe much
esteemed and loved my Lre yet wee feared he could or would
doe vs little good being ouerawed by his councell; as for the
Saluages we expected to finde them as our English ill wishers
would make them, and therefore affraid to build all the weale
of our plantation on price padventures, resolution was made
for the Barbadoes, the granarie of all the Charybbies Iles,
which how be it it was somewhat about for corne was the
surest course. In this Iland Mr. Hierom Hawley his brother