Declaration, is given in full from the original source by Father
Hughes, History, etc. (Documents, I, pt. I, pages 145-149), with
the following reference: "General Archives, S. J., Anglia His-
toria, iv, pp. 877-880. Three and a half closely-written pages,
large folio, contemporary copy, the paper being, not that of
Rome, but of England or Flanders, the hand the same as that
which wrote out other documents at this time in England, appar-
ently Father Alacambe's; and the endorsement seemingly in the
hand of the General, Mutius Vitelleschi. There are some clerical
errors in the copy". In the Maryland Historical Society Fund
Publication, No. 35, referred to above, Father Hughes, page 58,
corrects from the original twelve readings of the Latin text in
Fund Publication, No. 7.
(6) Hughes, History of the Society of Jesus in North America
(Text I, 201, 246-247, 266-267) prints extracts from the cor-
respondence between Blount and Vitelleschi on this matter of
the Maryland Mission.
(7) Maryland Historical Society Fund Publication No. 18,
Calvert Papers, No. I, 209.
(8) Hughes, work cited above, (Text I, 251). It may be ob-
served, however, that the phrase "white for the harvest" was a
favorite with the writers of colonization tracts.
(9) Hughes, work cited above, (Text I, passim) and Foley,
Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus are sources
for our knowledge of Father White. Sommervogel's edition of De
Backer's Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus, VIII. 1091-1093,
gives a list of his writings and recommends a number of nineteenth
century biographical studies. The early Jesuit bibliographer and
historian, Southwell, in the edition of the Bibliotheca Scriptorum
Societatis Jesu of 1676, page 60, eulogizes Father White and cites
his writings, presumably all in manuscript, as these: Grammati-
cam, Dictionarium, & Catechismum lingua Marilandicae. Prae-
terea. Expeditionem, & Historian illius Gentis. The "Expedi-
tionem" referred to was doubtless the "Relatio", which, in the
copy now in the Jesuit Archives, (see Hughes, work cited, Docu-
ments, Vol. I, part I, pages 94-107) was worked upon by Father
Southwell in preparation of material for a history of the Jesuit