Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the president and di-
rectors of the said Company, or a majority of them, shall
have full power, and they are hereby authorized, from time
to time, and as often as they may deem necessary, to in-
crease the capital stock of said company, by creating
shares and receiving subscriptions therefor, or in such other
manner as they may deem expedient and proper; Provided
nevertheless, that the capital stock of said company shall
never exceed the sum limited and fixed by the act to which
this is a supplement.
CHAP. 83.
Authority to
increase capital
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That until any increase of
stock shall have been made, each stockholder shall be en-
titled to one vote and no more, in all elections for Presi-
dent and directors of said Company; and that from and
after any such increase, each stockholder shall be entitled
to one vote for each and every share of stock, owned and
Voters regulated
Sec. 6. And whereas, one undivided fifth part of the
lands upon which the said Warren Factory and other
buildings are erected, and of the said Factory, and build-
ings, is owned and held by an individual or individuals,
and not by the Company heretofore incorporated by the
act to which this is a supplement, and it is right and pro-
per and will be beneficial to all the parties concerned,
that such individual or individuals should be authorized to
become a member or members of said Company, upon
reasonable and just terms; — Therefore, be it enacted, That
on the execution of a good and sufficient deed by the
owner or owners of the said one undivided fifth part of
the premises aforesaid, whereby he, she or they shall con-
vey to the Warren Manufacturing Company, all his, her or
their said one undivided fifth part of the said lands, factory,
buildings, and improvement, with all and singular the pri-
vileges, advantages, and appurtenances thereto belonging,
free and clear of all incumbrances; and upon his, her, or
their paying to the other stockholders of said Company
the one-fifth part of the expenses and costs incurred by
them, in erecting, altering, or repairing buildings and ma-
chinery on said premises, he, she, or they shall be entitled
to become and be members of the said Warren Manufac-
turing Company, and shall have and be entitled to like pri-
vileges and advantages as other members thereof, and
Individual owners
of real property
shall be entitled to a certificate or certificates for eight hun-
dred shares of stock in the capital stock of said Company,
in like manner as other stockholders are entitled thereto.
May became stock-