revise, alter, and annul, all such by-laws and ordinances,
rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the
United States, or of this State, as they or a majority of
them may find convenient, useful or necessary for exer-
cising or carrying into effect the powers granted by this
act; and in general for the better managing and promoting
the interest of said corporation and company.
CHAP. 82.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the President and Directors on the first Monday in March
in each and every year, or within ten days thereafter, to ap-
point from amo'ng the stockholders, three competent per-
sons as a committee of examination, whose duty it shall
be to investigate the affairs of said company, and to mate
a report thereof, and the President and Directors shall
Committee of ex-
keep, full, fair and correct entries of all their proceedings,
which shall at all times be open to the inspection of the
Record of proceed-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall he the duty of
the President and Directors to make dividends of the pro-
fits of said corporation on the first Monday in January and
July in each and every year.
Sec. 8. And, be it enacted, That no stockholder shall be
liable for any debts, contracts, or engagements of said cor-
poration, but that the money, property, rights and credits
of said company, shall alone be liable for the same.
Exempt from in-
dividual liability.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the President and Di-
rectors, may at any time time call a meeting of the stock-
holders of said company, giving at least two weeks notice
in two or more daily newspapers published in the city of
Baltimore, and any number of stockholders owning not
less than one fourth of the stock of said company may at
any time apply to the said President and Directors to call
a general meeting for any purpose relative to said corpora-
tion, and if the said President and Directors refuse, any
number of stockholders, owning not less than one fourth of
said stock aforesaid shall have power to call a general
meeting, giving notice aforesaid in the manner aforesaid,
and specifying in such notice the object of the meeting, and
the resolutions of such meeting by the concurrence of the
stockholders owning a majority of shares of said company
shall be binding on the President and Directors of said
General meetings
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in
this act shall be construed to restrict the right of the Le-
gislature to impose from time to time, and at all limes
Right of taxation