CHAP. 74.
Passed Feb. 19, 1833
An act relating to the Stone Church House, commonly called
the Manor Church, w Frederick county.
WHEREAS, a certain Marlin Waltz, (now deceased,)
did, by his last will and testament, bearing date the ninth
day of N ovember, eighteen hundred and twenty-two, duly
authenticated and recorded in the Register's office of the
county aforesaid, direct that one quarter of an acre of
land, on which the stone church stands, be forever given
to the use of the Lutheran and Reformed Churches, un-
der the care of ministers, who are regularly established in
said churches, in Frederick-town, and none other, —
Manner of regu-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Ministers of the Lutheran and Reformed
Churches, in Frederick-town, regularly established in said
churches, be forever authorized to preach in the Stone
Church House, commonly called the Manor Church, in
Frederick county, at such time or times, as shall be fixed
upon by the elders and deacons, chosen by both the
Lutherans and Reformed members, generally attending
service in said church, the elders and deacons of said
church to be appointed in the manner as practised at the
time, and before the death of the said Martin Waltz, be
selecting or appointing two persons, belonging to thy
Lutheran and two to the Reformed Churches, as elders,
and two persons of each as deacons, whose duty it shall
church, as they were from the time of building said church,
to the death of the said Martin Waltz, and that the said
eight persons so elected, shall from time to time elect one
of their own members as Treasurer, to hold and take
charge of all monies, collected in said church, to be ap-
plied for the benefit thereof, and no other.
Passed Feb. 18,1333
An act to divorce Sarah Gilmore, of the city of Baltimore,
from her husband, David S. Barnum.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the marriage heretofore solemnized between Sarah